The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Who Do You Call Coloured?

This sonnet addresses the irony of calling someone "coloured," highlighting the contrast between black skin, which remains constant, and white skin, which changes with emotional or physical states. This poem reflects on how the colour of one's skin can shift depending on circumstances, challenging the societal labels that define people by their appearance.

When I was born, my skin was dark as...

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raceidentityblacknesswhitenesscolorsocial commentarycultural reflectionshifting identityskinperceptionpoetrysonnet

Cast away

Love is love they say as their loveless mouths spit each syllable like a foulness upon their tastebuds. All the while spouting poisonous scriptures on why your kind of love is not adhered to, not seen, not recognised.


And if it is not recognised, but you still dare to live outside their boundaries, you are cast away.


Family is everything, they speak as though that ought to be enoug...

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equalityloveacceptancebeliefracegender/sexualityreligionunconditional love


espy their blind spot, the

prey animals on the alert,

that spook all too readily,

so terrified of getting hurt


so, trainers use blinkers

calming down our minds,

like keeping the sun out

with full venetian blinds


blinkers are anaesthetic,

de-senistised our brains,

the big picture pales, we

race for short-term gains


blinkers make it easier,


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hayblinkersprey animalsspookedracestableshandicapped

Color Matters

Color Matters

Many people discuss white privilege.
Other folks just can't fathom it.
Some will think they know.

When you live it each day
in your heart and bones,
what is there to think?

White folks can snooze here.

Now let's talk light privilege.
Here we mean shades of color.
Lighter shades are easier accepted.

There was a dark girl in my Junior High School.
She used Nadilon...

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Life Race


You should plan to keep going 
whatever you meet .. whatever you face 
The only thing to be growing 
Never to fallback in the race 


Be aware to wear patience hat 
Remove the hat of desperation 
Keep energy for acts no chat 
No goals achieved in quotation 


Always to ask what you need 
To get ready helping people 
Same as you eat you must feed 
To win the race you shoul...

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Humans: the race that plagues the Earth

You see the USA and UK
Having pride for our race
When really, we are a disgrace
But the truth always is the hardest thing to face

We hurt the world that gave us life
Proving our greed has no price
We are a plague upon the earth
Taking it for all that it is worth
Money comes before conservation
Because nothing is worth it, without gaining a sum
Disguising our greed as caring for what's ...

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Humanshumanraceplagueconservationcharitypollutiondestroying the planetdestructionearth


It falls from the sky

Beautiful as it lays on the ground 

Kind of even

Sound proofs everything

Ice the snow

Sounds of sprinkles on a cake

Its white all around

It only comes during cold weather

Except it seems, like its here everyday

White like the world we live in 

Its not a winter wonderland

It makes my soul cold

Frost bite I feel it coming on

I fight agains...

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The Race

So here we are, all done 

At the finish line of a race hard run 

A race that no one would ever choose

But once in, one that we just couldn’t lose

Never alone along the way

Always together, in step, come what may

A journey to discover what’s real in life

To realise what we’re truly all about 

What we’re made of as man and wife

What shapes our hearts, shapes our souls


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Black Boy Jerome

Black Boy Jerome
walking stop, walking stop, closed park nest
insecticide guttered blood lumps
realtor biting torchlight, thicker dollar pile rate rat room
squat sleeping, leaning broom, dirt bridge
ate pigeon error Wednesday
Ma note sticks about Black Boy’s bridge’s lynching arcs
shining knotted ironwork, rogue’s gum
waning bridge appeal, twists, turns, joints, worn rust
move on Winter

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Beat PoetrypoempoetryRaceUS Civil Rights Movement

A Pointy Reckoning

A Pointy Reckoning


She had blonde hair

and beautiful, blue, eyes

and these were far more

Innocent times.


seventy six,

before we left

for adulthood.


I was seventeen

and made to look fifty,

she was a year younger

and made to look black.


In a school

in West Yorkshire

we had no black girls

in the sixth form

and the only w...

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Anti-communismArthur MillerGenderlessons learnedRaceThe CrucibleTituba


Hit the homes of the less, Hit the SCUM of the projects, Drop a few bombs in the Sub Culture Urban Market, target the future smokers, smoke the future dealers, pull up in them vans, hand out vans and a few packs of cigs, Fact 79 the name of the game, selling the idea of a pack newports, over the idea of packing for cruises to lands on new ports, grandmamas got them, baby cousins watchin', second h...

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Sunrise creeping, daylight peeping,

All is silent, all are sleeping.


Alarm clocks whirring, stables stirring,

Dogs start scratching, cats lie purring,


Voices rising (some surmising),

Smell of coffee - appetising.


Harness jingling, senses tingling,

Sweat and horse-breath intermingling.


Race day thrilling, people milling,

Horses happy, k...

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