random thinking (Remove filter)
: The Cup that Broke :
The cup that broke housed a thought.
A nascent bud, not blooming yet!
But the hand of chance with the pot,
Filled the cup with a different fate!
Smiling lips drank up the infusion.
Tho' the process of a nascent mind,
Failed to make that thought sustain!
A shattered cup was left behind!
Thursday 20th June 2024 12:43 am
Radio Royalty
Be a radio king or queen
You'll be heard a lot more than you're seen
Let us hear your diamond voice
As you recite a verse of your choice
The topic is the Jubilee
Were you there for the major three?
Are you a corgi, a horse or a jewel?
What would happen if YOU made the rules?
Write, record and let me know
To get featured on my show
Calling all budding poets and pr...
Tuesday 24th May 2022 3:58 pm
They cause us pain and yet we pretend
That it's love
love that will win in the end
Are we so blind by the challenge
Creating a false sense to feel valid
To remain blind is a choice we carry
Self worth cast aside and buried
So we can hold on just a little longer
The random good times
Make us feel stronger
You really loose your sense of self
In a set of cards you chose to delt
So if pa...
Friday 11th December 2020 2:46 pm
Thug Life Quote/Of Mine #2
{Thug Life Quote/Of Mine #2}
Through my eyes
you all will one day
see the real world
the way God meant it
to be without killings,
murderers walking
free in our society
and our young youth
having to slang dope
to put in their mailboxes
to support and feed their
poor families so they can
survive through to a
Sunday 3rd December 2017 4:19 pm
Thug Life Quote/Of Mine #1
{Thug Life Quote/Of Mine #1}
The thug life
in me is one
day going to
set it off by
dropping the whole
world to it's
knees as you
will flow through
me and I will
go out in a blaze
of glory as God
made me to do
And my lil homies I ain't mad at cha
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 1...
Sunday 3rd December 2017 3:55 pm
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