The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Today all talk a lot about Pussy Riot,

The girls from Russia that couldn’t keep quiet.

OK, I agree! It’s their right to fight

With the things they don’t like.

I can understand any strike.

Even when you have to take a gun,

But … sorry to say that,

I condemn their action as the dirtiest one.

They’ve become the world known heroines

Because of their dirty a...

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You Can’t Get Tits on a Kindle – an ode to Generation OMG

You can't get tits on a kindle,

so put that Amazon one down.

Your materialistic bullshit

truly does make me frown.


I got by on handmedown clothes,

chick sticks and Aldi own brand.

You really look silly with that massive phone kid,

it's bigger than your hand.


To me COD was a special chippy tea

on a Wednesday night, granddad got it for me.


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AdolescenceAmazonBoobsBooksGeneration OMGGeneration XKindleLiteraturePoetrySexSocietyTechnology.

The Reality of What It Really Is

                            The Reality of What It Really Is



On looking back,

How did we ever remain so naïve?

Why did we ever believe we would

Change the world?

     We sit today within a society

That when scrutinized up close -

When digging down deep beneath

The aesthetics and false promise

You’ll find; it’s not the society you want -


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Robin Hood Book Manchester Launch

Robin Hood Book Manchester Launch


Entry: Free

Open Mic Event


I am pleased to announce that Ashton Library will be host to the Manchester launch of the Robin Hood Book, a poetry anthology alongside the Robin Hood Campaign analysing, celebrating and discussing various social issues of importance.

There will be readings from Ushi...

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Robin Hood BookAlan MorrisonRobin Hood TaxSocietyJusticesocial commentary

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