The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Monkey's mentality

With an intent of
Stripping off all--Wives & footholds--
And taking over,
A monkey measures
And measures
Father's foot mark
Walking behind father's back
And inflict on the same attack
Cognizant ,subject to
The wear and tear of time
, feeble,
A defensive hand
The father could lack!

A mentor,  I helped
An apprentice
Acquire a sharp mind
And a nimble hand
Till on his feet stand.


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Invisible ? Ghost Writer

{Invisible ? Ghost Writer} 


The background scenes of a ? ghost writer that is transparent and so invisible to the outside world around her as she keeps her invisible identity hidden beyond the fences of her ghostly safety because she has been abused, beaten, verbally abused at the hand's of society and you that has left her broken for year's and as the ghostly female writer hates that she ...

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fictional characterfictional pieceinsightsinvisibleinvisible ghost writerlifelivingpoemspoetrysocietystoriesworld around her

Ignorance is bliss

So I guess that they've imprisoned us into this predetermined preposition 

When the truth is there so blatantly but we can't help but not to listen 

Because ignorance is bliss so we'll stay blissfully unaware 

As to the GMO's in all our food and the geo engineering in the air 

I suppose we'll go organic and refuse the water from the tap 

What about the metals likened to a subtle che...

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And I want to be a better man to you mum.. .

But you just don't agree with the things I have done, while I don't agree with having

to be socially accepted I need to conform, but you don't understand. 


I live for myself in a flurried world.


Where being myself is such a crime and I can't imagine myself alive, at the thought of  cheating my own mind... 

It breaks me apart!


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Aiming for nothing but net,
that is, a net worth of one billion George Washington
Dollar bills paying off these utility bills and moving up to Beverly Hills

Aiming to satisfy my lust and greed, but yet 
I feel this birth curse called sin, weighing me down like a ton
a ton of bricks falling back to back on my back - dying of cheap thrills!

Aiming to turn this all around 
forget the rhyme...

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The Gentrification Scheme 2017

My funeral is a live cremation
My home is a burnt out tower
My plight is that of a nation
One of selfish gits wielding power

I am a ghost haunting the streets
My home is your left or right wing tv show
My place is within the gentrification scheme
Lost somewhere I don't know

I raise my voice to be silenced
My concerns are shit on the heel of your shoe
There's money in death and violen...

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Grenfell TowerGentrificationPovertysocietyInjustice

Normalcy Bereft

They rewrote songs on the sceneries of their dreams,

under the same roof, in the same room, but alone.

Living in each other’s isolations,

so tiring, boring, sensual, overwhelming, warm.

In thoughts, several severely intimate moments had passed;

their knotted minds kissed intermittently, not seldom.


He knew he was boundless, liberal, enraged, , jealous, dizzy,

he thought h...

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lovesexgaypridehomosexualityindienightisolationsocietydiscriminationgenderintimacyequalityfreedomlibertyequal rights

Sex Overlooking The Sunset

It was surprising that after work, on Thursday,

she wanted to meet and share her bed with a man, again.

Maybe men, even, she thought, suddenly indecisive and guilty,

but for society, men, peers, their judgment, their pursed lips and nods of disapproval.

Now that she was almost home, her fireplace and Scotch seemed dearer, as usual;

the icy blanket of her acceptance of undesired celi...

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ageoldsocietyprejudicebiasdivorcesexlovelonelinessnightalienationlifesunsetsexualityintimacylibidomaking loveshamefamily

Welcome to a Place Where...

Welcome to a place so secret and scarce, where love dwells and people swear.

A place where allusion is key to misleading love and people all around hide from the truth.

Welcome to a place where tennis shoes have thrones and your own shoes carry pillows.

Welcome to a place where boys and girls portray men and women, but the parents don’t know they started the trend.

Welcome to a place w...

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Domestic Drama (Part 1)

I know better
so why don't I do better?
Be angry and sin not 
that's what the word says
obscene language, 
that's what the world says 
I'm tired and cranky 
and frankly,
I just want to lie in bed 
but lo and behold!
She is sleeping there 
like Snorlax or Goldilocks 
and I'm suppose to bear this?

too tired to fume 
want to sweep this away
'Bring the broom, take out the trash,

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