The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Want for Nothing

The want for nothing

Thursday, 09 November 2023


I want for nothing of this world


The grandeur and riches are unappealing.

The delicacy and deliciousness are unappetising.


Wealth turns to ashes in your mouth as you fathom,

The complete idiocy of the system that has become unfathomable.


I want for nothing of THIS world


Nature has turned against us


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lifesocietyinner thoughtsrealisationFirst Blog

Be nicer

As I watch the news I see a similar trend.
Many mass-shooters with one common thread.
Felt shunned by their peers
for many a year.
So, if you are kind
you surely will find
a life filled with many friends.

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Ruler of Man

You have a phone meeting at noon,

address the issue head-on and soon.

Lobbyists are clawing at the doors.

I set up a press conference at four.

Jerry wrote you a speech

he typed it with his feet.

Suppose, he would have used his hands.

But, they were amputated per your demand.



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It can help you pass your A-levels

Or similar bog-standard tests;

It will cook up birthday verses,

Can sketch some blackbirds in their nests

Or write a decent theme tune for TV.

But Beethoven’s ninth symphony,

The trio from the Rosenkavalier,

Gaugin’s Christs or the Mona Lisa?

Such inspiration it can’t get near.

AI is the service of the bland.

The risk is it will unde...

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It's Not a Story / No es un Cuento

Everyone loves a story, 
whether it's made up or true,
the Pharisee commander, with his tongue,
was a master of this art

People looked forward to hearing him
when he went out to preach,
he would recite litanies for hours incessantly;
everyone applauded him endlessly

Stories well told by the Pharisee commander,
so elaborate that they were taken as the truth,
and bewitched people gave ...

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Polite Society

Long ago, it was the wife who would push him

-‘These are our sort of people,’ she would say-

To take that job, which he couldn’t manage

And came home each evening utterly spent.

Oh, the ordeal of dinners with the boss

And Councillor Twitface for Sunday tea,

When he would have preferred to mooch around

And watch the football or listen to jazz.


That certain kind of snobb...

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We go through life trying to fulfill

By feeling full

It’s easy to live in comfort and abundance

But maybe you drown,

Don’t live

And you just exist

Strip away luxury…

Could you be with just yourself,

And basic needs?

With only your thoughts for company?

Because we go through life trying to fulfill

By feeling full

We consume with our mouths

Pack, squeeze, cram...

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fullconsumptioneathappinessmeaning of lifeconsciousnessvibrationforwardshopegrowmodernitypostmodernmediasaturationculturewestern worldidentityfeelemotionsin touchconnectedpurposenumbsociety

This Is Today

It is not a fable or a fairy tale,

even a child could understand my plea

that is why I speak loudly and vehemently


I am outraged to see

how those who wield power,

supported by uniforms and boots

see us as nincompoops,

weaving narratives of a distorted history

as if nothing had been there


Their very accommodated stories

build paper monuments to their heroes o...

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