The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

solidarity (Remove filter)

Master of Greed.

I wish I were the Master of Peace,

there'd be no tears of war, no suffering, no grief.

No evil, No corporations, No governments and No Police.


I wish I were the Master of Pain,

For it's such a sweet, pleasurable learning.

No anger, No shame.

I'd teach those who exploit, that our life is not your gain.


I wish I were the Master of Place,Ā 

I'd spread my wings from ag...

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Life Comes To This

Love is flowing down these blood-washed streets.
We are not done.
You put us out yet cannot put us out.
You have not won.

Hate hopes to overpower
Yet is weak
For Freedom's spirit cannot be contained
By anything.

We are not crushed nor wilted
Nor alone
We are not bowed nor beaten
Nor undone

Listen, for we still are brave to speak
Words will be waged
Look, for we still carry our ...

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In Solidarity

He looks to the left, a quick pause to check the commotion.Ā 
Thereā€™s shouting crying out on the street. Stomping boots,Ā 
signs in hand. Itā€™s another day, another protest, nothing toĀ 
worry over. She questions him, ā€œWhatā€™s happening?ā€ ItĀ 
could be anything or nothing at all. They want attentionĀ 
and this is the day they chose to be seen.Ā 

ā€œYou should go, I know I would if I could.ā€ She embr...

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Humanity's gone into hibernation

Our focus has shifted to survival

Coronavirus has a bright side

We've changed since its arrival


Mortal danger pushed us together

New-found solidarity is a boon

Survivors will emerge stronger

Dont self-pity or despair too soon


Love can prevail over evil

But humility must come into its own

The era of complacency is over


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A Disease Called Power

I will begin by pointing out that this is not intended to be a partisan political statement, to offend or attack anyone in particular. I write and express what I feel and observe, as a simple citizen. I intend to declare my pain and astonishment seeing that my country is being systematically destroyed and its people humiliated and decimated. In the last 2 years nearly 4 million have emigrated, not...

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For Bob Crow

Poem for Bob Crow (cheers W.H. Auden)

Stop all the docks, cut off the trains,Ā 
Start the mariners striking, be still the cranes,Ā 
Silence the busses and with muffled bullhornĀ 
Bring out the coffin, let the workers come.Ā 

Let politicians circle, moaning overheadĀ 
confessing on the airwaves, He Is RED,Ā 
Put nooses round the white necks of the bosses,Ā 
Let the riot policemen carry their o...

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leaderfuturebestlondoninspirationBobComradeleftgonerevolution. RMTunionlaboursolidarityCrowworkerspoliticsred

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