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long hair (09/06/2024)

sometimes I feel like my long hair
what hides and reveals 
what some version
small and soft 
lives tangled in the unkempt locks
where it takes work to get to my mother's eyes
her cheekbones
a hair's breadth between. 
it's the distance between being looked at 
and being seen. 

shorn, I feel the shame of nakedness 
rather than it's splendor 

I feel the parts of me worth hiding 
in t...

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imstilllearninga lotwritinglong hairbecausei needto

I: skeleton

Face like stone

Hard to read

I find myself taking pride

In my totem pole

Of expressions, I can hide

Masterfully deceptive

Every bit secretive

All heart without sleeves

Makes it easier to breathe

But being naked

Really stripping off

And just letting everyone watch

That is true strength

True power

Is knocking down this tower

Being bare

Just a sk...

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skeletonvulnerableemotionconnectbravecourageoustruerealrawpassionsensationbeingaliveconnectedspiritsoulpowerdeceptivehideprotectdefencestonepoker facestillexpressarticulateunfilteredbold

The watcher

The watcher

He watches all the comings and goings in the park

Always standing always leering

No one ever speaks to him

He is silient as stone

He watches for weeks and years

A marble heart and a marble soul

No tears form on his cheeks he captures only one expression

He watches with eyes that never move or close

Birds are his friends they perch on his shoulders


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statuestandingstilldan hooks poet poetry alienpoet

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