The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Its A Pushover

Re-writing history's a

Picnic Cromwell's


Henry V111 and the


Pol Pot Stalin

Mao Tse Tung killied

Millions when they

Pulled down the statue of

Saddam Hussein how that

Transformed Iraq the

Taliban blowing up the

Buddhas made Afghanistan a

Model state simply

Toss a lump of metal into the


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Across the centuries

A clanging sound

The clang of a statue

As it falls to the ground

The clang of ideology

Toppling from its perch

The clang of the chains

And the swish of the birch


The clang of a bell

Ringing across the land

The clang of the people

As they make a stand

The clang of oppression

And the clang of the strange

And the clang...

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black lives matterbristolday 8(69)edward colstonnapowrimo2017protestsstatue

Beryl Burton (1937-1996)

Beryl was a racing cyclist

The mistress of chain and sprocket

A national time trial heroine

She was in nobody's pocket


Like Dorothy Hyman from Cudworth

The girl from Leeds was undersold

London media ignored her

The BBC kept her in the cold


Today she would be lauded

Her talent would make a million

Sponsors would lionise her

Radiant on that golden pillion


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beryl burtonchris froomecyclingstatue

The watcher

The watcher

He watches all the comings and goings in the park

Always standing always leering

No one ever speaks to him

He is silient as stone

He watches for weeks and years

A marble heart and a marble soul

No tears form on his cheeks he captures only one expression

He watches with eyes that never move or close

Birds are his friends they perch on his shoulders


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