The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

tri-haiku (Remove filter)




Empty crucible

Once full of righteous fire

Now just grey ashes


The snake rears its head

Striking blindly at targets

That are imagined


Adopts power stance

Arms crossed - closed for argument

Pin head and big mouth

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napowrimo2020day 23usashape of letterstrumpamericatri-haiku



I don't do new year
there is a lot of noise here
none of it is mine

when the chimes kick in
auld lang syne hands are unlinked
as phones point skywards

cascading fireworks
fall on lost souls in doorways
where poverty lies

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auld lang synenew yearpovertyselfie-culturetri-haikuwaste of money

True Nature Too

True Nature Too


Amazon tribes feed

Their babies with hot ashes.

Charcoal promises


South Pacific tribes

Sort the fish from the plastic

On littered beaches


Children of the world

Put their blind elders to shame

As the planet chokes

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amazon burningchildren protestclimate protestsplastic pollutiontri-haiku

True Nature

True Nature


A wolf howls skywards

To tell the pale, waxing moon

Of the solar death


The raven squawks in flight

As it tells the morning star

Of the sun’s rebirth


A man cries alone

Unaware of dark or light

In his Brexit hell

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Brexittrue naturesunmoonwolfcrowtri-haiku

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