The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

truth (Remove filter)

Truthful Lie

You had asked me once if I believed you to be equal to me


I told you yes - It wasn’t a lie


I believed you equal in every way


But only now do I realize, both, lie and truth in my answer


In that time of my life we were equal


But, as of now, we are not

You are not equal to this new me - the true me

One that is not starved and decomposing


No longer...

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Sidelinedsufferingsorrowdepressionmental illnesssmental anguishex friendsliestruthtruthful lies

The Truth Is Sadness

Decorated lives
shuffling onwards
towards inevitable darkness
we cloak ourselves
in the hood of love
cover the cage
deny the sky above
the truth is sadness

Tiny movements
helpless gestures
elliptical orbits
around the heart of happiness
an argument
with a river
convinced of our control
tilting the rudder
towards hope
the truth is sadness

Fold the patterned sheet
around your ...

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Visions of the future,
Dreams of reality,
Our plane of existence,
Relies on duality,
The controllers of this world,
A separate ruling class,
I see through their bullshit,
The language of the looking glass,
Symbols and language,
Are the key to understanding,
The lies and deceptions,
And the trauma-based programming,
Rhetoric and satire,
The weapons of the wizard,
Words truly are magic...

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deceptiondoublespeaklaunguagelieslifeprogrammingrhetoricspeaking truththe ruling classthe worldtruthWizard killerWizardsword magicwords


The long redacted sound of reason crackled

Static-pronged consensus of a bygone concept

Against a typified gestalt of incandescent insanity

The layer-laden deceptive dynamic caught wind

Ushering and redoubling its efforts

Polarising all subject to it 


Two turns played, a fool's mate prepared

The clocks, still nascent, are brought to a stop

Complexities and nuance are o...

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While the world
goes about their day
talking about trival things, 
laughing their troubles away,
I am struck with 
paralyzing pain
that I try to contain. 

Everyone close to me 
is oblivious 
to my suffering.

Why should they care?
They have their own 
drama to deal with.
There is nothing 
anyone can do anyway. 

Meanwhile, my body
betrays me more 
each passing day.

I want t...

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Maybe the truth is I was never really meant to be happy.
Not in the sincerest form of the word anyway.
I'm content and I do have my happy moments.
But sincerely and truly happy?
I don't think that word was invented with me in mind. 

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Drawn together

Drawn together, by god's hand
canvas weathered, with black clouds on foreign land
placed on parchment in the darkness
the line is thin from me to you, each other's mind paint the others dreamscape

drawn to you, the flip book of life brings us ever closer as every moment pass
each page bookmarked and in immediate view, I pray always my spine hold from the load placed on you
on the margin ...

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Walls fall

Seismic vibes reach through the faults

the connection pulls us together collectively

As we embrace, we look for a way to drown out our doubts and fears


Walls fall, curled up under the table, her past remains the same

as for her future i can save her, let us recover

what was lost to damage.


Sift through the rubble for our gems and jewels, trinkets and fuel

as we lie i...

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I strive to be a part of the hive

The queen bee is the light of my eye, the spark of spark divine.

Her frequency speaks to me, peacefully, decency well balanced in her machinery

I drone out the static, feel the hum of her words

I strive to be part of the hive, so what's mine is hers


I step out to amass my bouqet prize 

by her side, in line we all move in unison but i see her eyes meet mine, and they drag my min...

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Seeing Things

What is the scale of reality?

We all have our own truths

Our own views

How do you quantify actuality?


“A fantasy is a vision

It is solely in your vision

It is envisioned by you

A vision is a fantasy”


But saints had visions!

Politicians have visions!

Some people have double vision

Anyone that has sight has vision

Whether they have a sixth sense

Or no...

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conversationhallucinationinsanitymental healthpostmodernpsychosisquestionsrealitysanitytruthvision

The Truth Hurts

Strongholds of war threaten our life supply,
for death awaits those who seek and speak truth.
Battles are waged within our safe havens,
as kin and friend shed their masks of deceit.

Doorsteps of homes alter into altars
Refuge is taken spiritually now,
for the church has fallen religiously.
Satan worshippers disguised as righteous
Believers, spitting the Word better than
us because False...

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poetikaly anointedpoetrytruth

maybe mayhem

*Original date true, minor format edit in '²²


maybe you're amazed by mayhem.  sweet mayhem.

chaos colored lipstick screams, tumultuous as she licks her lips

a wild and tangled disarray, her hair - a disheveled decadent disorder

cascading down past swaying hips

rolling, undulating as she slips

her thoughts into your consciousness

ideas driven by desire i...

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My Point is Circular

My mouth took some months to bloom

My words took some weeks to flower

You and I do not speak different languages

We possess different meanings


“What is the curl of your tongue?

What is the grind of your teeth?

What is the bow in your brows?

What do you mean?”


Your bottom line is neat and fine

Your ballpoint pen bullet-proof



My point is a r...

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accusecyclejusticelosing my mindpredatorpressureramblingrape culturerecoverystatementtruthvictim blamingwordplay

Her Self Love

Hi, she said with one big sigh, the day was difficult and she held in her cry 

She was shy but always found her way with the bad guy who always liked to lie 

Wishing for something new b/c she wanted to finally turn the blind eye  

On her cycle of men; realized that it was her making herself feel this way, she was high 


On the fact that someone was always there but still felt lonel...

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Write or Wrong

I write, but I may be wrong

So I cross things out as I go along

Sometimes I will uncross too

Go back, revisit, start anew.

I write, but I may not know

The proper style or way to go

To free the feelings that I feel

And portray them true, with zest and zeal.

I write, but sometimes I ask

What is the purpose of this task?

Does any body realy care

To see and hear what I...

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April First


No more fools again on April 
It was last lies to believe 
Complicated!!, Why not simple? 
Take it easy, or should leave 


If someone forces to trust 
That one puts others in doubting 
When the truth appear very fast 
That one is afraid or hiding 


We should only pray to God 
God will keep hearts more faithful 
When the purity clean the blood 
Surely life will be more...

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دكتور عصافير (VET)




ريشه ناقصة في جناح عصفوره
إيه يعنى .. ماهـو ريشها كتيــــر
مش حيبــــــــان أبدا في الصورة
ولا حيــــكـون له كمــــــان تأثير

العصفــورة الشــــاطرة تفكــــــر
ربنا عنـــــــده كنــــــوز الخيـــر
لو تدعــــى ربنــــــــا يرزقـــــها
بدل الريشـــــة .. عشـــر قناطير

لكن العــصفــــورة المســكــيـنــة
وقـفـت تبـكـى بدون تفـكـيــــــــر
حتى اصحابها .. زعلوا عشانــها

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Sad Eyes

Are you sure you want to know 
the story behind my sad eyes? 

Can you handle truth 
buried in lies?  

Abused, abandoned, 
left for dead. 

Still, I raise my 
weary head.

Hoping against all odds 
for love and a warm bed.

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Set my heart free of chain
Don't break my heart again
Live your world keep me alone
I regret to be yours at all.

Since we met on that "…." Day 
You're still acting the play 
How to believe yourself today 
since you're hiding your goal. 

God helps guilty to regret
But you decided and insist 
Only to make mistakes a lot 
Now get ready to stop or fall.

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Yin-Yang Love

He loves me?
He loves me not?

Questions I have 
asked myself a lot 
since the day 
I said I do. 

Yes, he has a 
wandering eye,
avoids intimacy
like I am 
the blessed
Mother Mary.

Yes, he has a 
hair-trigger temper, 
can top Pinocho 
with his lies.

Our love is 
but I no longer
question why.

After four decades 
in the trenches,
I have learned 
to focu...

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datingenergylifelovemarriagepassionrelationshipsself-healingstrengthtruthyin and yang

Ode To The Lazy And Ignorant Who Scoff At The Truth

Dark are these times the world's gone mad,
Its all gonna end soon and I'm kinda glad,
As I sit here alone in a state of isolation,
The world has been deceived in a sea of indoctrination,
Oh how we've been lied to on a scale so grand,
It's hard to comprehend so let me help you understand,
MK Ultra, Paperclip, Nine-Eleven and Blue-beam,
There's so much deception that it feels like dream,

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IgnoranceSheepSheepleConspiraciesConspiracy TheoriesTruthLiesDeceptiongenocideslient warfare

Poker With Lucifer

The darkness falls under my skin,
I hate my life and my soul within',
I'm trapped in my mind and I'm full of sin,
I'm fighting the devil and I cannot win,
Complacent thoughts are spinning around,
I hear His voice but there is no sound,
He showed me the way, the truth and the life,
The battle is won, I won the fight,
Come on devil your talk is cheap,
I've played my cards so read 'em and we...

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LifeInner StruggleAddictionDrugsSpiritualityTruth

Mind Control On Sheeple

Blood thirsty talkers,

Make subliminal mockers,

Alpha waves and beta waves,

Molding your mind with delta waves,

You don't think zombies exist,

Well just take a look around,

The unenlightened and semi-conscious,

Are roaming all around,

Microwave guns,

And hyper sonic weapons,

Sounds you can't hear,

That will cause you to deafen,

You think your food is real?


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conspiraciesdumb sheeplemind controltruthwake up

Basket case

If someone tells you are insane,

And they are telling you there is something wrong with your brain,

It coul be true it could be lies,

If you are pschotic you can tell by your eyes,

If you have caused this by your own being,

Then when you look in the mirror a total basket case,

Is what you will be seeing,

You may have taken cocaine, you may have taken weed,

If you have then ...

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insaneliestruthbasket casedrugsFate

Naked Souls

Poetry is a 
refuge for 
a lonely life

the antidote
for pain 
and strife

warm words 
a frigid night

tonic for thirsty sailors 
drowning in an ocean 
from which we cannot drink

To our deserted island we go 

while the world 
casts us loners, 
introverts, quiet
weird, crazy...

Let them judge 
as they wine and dine 
in crowded rooms 
on cell patrol

while w...

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poetrytruthoutcastslonelylifeintrovertcell phonesprisonsoulmusewriterwriting

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