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20 Cents




20 Cents

The guy gave the war concern 20 cents

This was enough to buy ten bullets

Which would kill ten enemy soldiers

If fired accurately by a good soldier

He'd give more if he could afford it

But he was jobless and skint

20 cents was all he could afford

Bread and coffee cost money

Even if cheaper thru the VA

His benefits were little not enough

So he...

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Captain Sir Tom Moore

His Walk inspired a nation,

100 yards to a 100 years, what motivation.

From an army veteran to a NHS hero,

Even the Queen came to say bravo.

Knighted and UK number one,

Now "you'll never walk alone".

You will forever remain in our hearts,

To heaven as your soul departs.

Rest in peace Captain Sir...

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You ask if I'm okay,
because I am 
unusually quiet 

I'm just trying to keep memories 
behind the flood gates
so they don't sweep me away
to a dark place.

Thank you for being my escape,
a bright light,
my way home, 
my touchstone. 

Your love helps ease the pain.
I don't mean to push you away.
There are so many things I want to say,
but I must go, feed Jake. 


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If It Matters To You

It is getting real dirty and shitty for Veterans. 2 weeks ago another comrade of mine from the troop I served with, died of Sudden Death.

It is always Sudden Death they list.

The oppo I handed my detachment to at Al Jabayl died the same way in front of his family. He was only 44. Andrew Egan. There are too many and I don't want to count them anymore. All have one thing in common, association...

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veteranwitch hunthuman rights abuses

A Strangers Bravery

There is so much pain and suffering,

For a land that should be free,

So much death and anguish,

For a place that many won’t see.

Yet of they march, they sail, they fly,

To fight for what is true.

Some to return, and some to die,

These brave men we never knew.

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was it out there
that I became a ghost?

I may be an unreliable witness
the constant stress does that to you
the days spent outside, unprotected
with a local population
that won’t look you in the eye
or when they do
they have the look of hate
that you are even there at all

if only the locals were less hostile
to my cause
if only I could count on my military team
to back ...

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Ward 34


Ward 34
See old Tommy in bed five, limps because his hip’s sore
Its not old age….. Its shrapnel, from fights in the second world war
He’s not as agile as back then and he’s got some hearing loss
But once protected our freedom…….. Won the Victoria Cross.
Now resigned to his bed, to be fed cared and watered
But once stormed Normandy beaches, watched...

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war heroherohospitalagesecond world warveteran






Veteran of the ancient war, before my time, tell me, what was it like?

I see pictures in the history books, black and white photographs.

Did the enemy scream when you bayoneted them and cry for their mothers?

Did you see your mates beg for mercy as their blood ran away from shattered legs?

Now sixty years later I see you, frail and withered, lost in...

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veteranwarold soldier

Song of the Sunflower


Was it the yellow of your bright petals
or the way you danced in the breeze
that I brought you home from fields?
Was it the strength of your upright stalks
or the camaraderie, your solidarity?

There in the sun you sang hope,
songs that filled a mourning heart;
there in the wind you whispered
plaintive farewells on conflicted air-
fill this grieving with consolat...

Read more …



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