dogs (Remove filter)
Even a Сat and a Dog Share a Bowl Of Food.
Why do you always peck at each other?
Why don't you live like sister and brother?
Why don't you live like some dogs and cats?
Why do you bite each other like rats?
Why don't you share the luck and the land?
You share the way that the others get less,
You never suggest a friend's loving hand.
You count money when your soul is in a mess.
Why do y...
Friday 29th November 2024 4:59 am
Pick Up Your Scooby Doo!
I’m late, I’m late,
For a very important date,
Yesterday has bin n’ gonee,
Poetry Day went up the Swanee,
Did it float up?…or float right down?
Yes, I was in my favourite pub, in town,
I ducked into the Dog n’ Duck,
(Where t’ pavements are not full o’ muck)
Memory on a great meander,
Leakin’ like a collander,
But at least I’ve read that poem about doggy do,
Friday 4th October 2024 10:35 am
I was taken from this horrible place
All dark and cold and covered in waste
Separated from my sisters and brothers
Now in a cold prison with so many others
Pushed on the floor in a steel cage
Nothing for warmth, will I be here an age
They pushed in some scaps and a few drops of water
And wrote my name down on the next list for slaughter
Light coming in I awaken to cries
This man bangs...
Wednesday 17th April 2024 8:09 pm
If Dogs Were Made World Leaders
If dogs were made world leaders
There would be no futile wars
And laws and treaties would be signed
With inky prints of paws
Chihuahuas and Alsatians
Would respect each other’s space
There’d be no United Nations
Just a favourite sniffing place
Summit sessions would be held
In playing fields or parks
With flashing collars de rigeur
For meetings after dar...
Thursday 8th February 2024 6:58 pm
Bobi the oldest dog in the world just turned 31
Still his favorite thing to do is to ride in the car
Also loves to bark at children to get off his lawn
And he'll fetch bones if he remembers where they are
Thursday 18th May 2023 2:52 pm
The Quiet Castle
When he’s tired
Freaked out
My dog Tito steps into his crate, draped in green and gold fabric
To look less like a cage, or a prison.
He stretches, turns around in a perfect circle,
Sighing in comfort
In safety
A sigh of a protected soul,
Dozing off on a velvety black cushion that he himself chose
When he sat on it at the pet store.
A year ago, Ti...
Friday 19th August 2022 8:25 pm
You ask if I'm okay,
because I am
unusually quiet
I'm just trying to keep memories
behind the flood gates
so they don't sweep me away
to a dark place.
Thank you for being my escape,
a bright light,
my way home,
my touchstone.
Your love helps ease the pain.
I don't mean to push you away.
There are so many things I want to say,
but I must go, feed Jake.
Saturday 9th November 2019 1:45 pm
Talking out loud.
Talking out loud.
Ducks say quack quack quack.
Dogs say woof woof woof.
We go yack yack yack.
Is there a difference?
Ducks and Dogs can relate
with each and every mate.
We study books and the law
and still can't communicate.
When ducks and dogs get cross,
they duke it out to be boss.
Yet there is a difference
between ducks dogs and us.
We think, talk and write about
this and ...
Monday 28th October 2019 3:09 am
Her Dog's Voice
This is about my first dog who sparked off my interest in the paranormal due to experiences I had related to him from a young age
When you were a baby
I was a pup
I was always there
To cheer you up
I'd guard your pram
Outside the shops
With my nose
On your door
I'd often knock
I loved days
When we used
To play ball
I'd lick your knee
Each time
Friday 6th September 2019 10:45 am
Give a dog a bad name...
A dog is a representation
Of loyalty and dedication;
So, why is it a denigration
To call a man 'a dog'?
Perhaps, it's vilification;
An outright humiliation,
For the canine population,
For a man to be called a dog!
Wednesday 21st August 2019 11:51 pm
Dogs and Decadence
The old man stood, hands on hips, looking around the yard. He saw someone across the yard waving and recognized Remy's bushy gray beard. Remy and Eloise were sat chatting with Steve and Jenny. The old man went over and joined them. He sank down into the white leather sofa. Each of the couples had their own sofas. The sofas, like the awning over them, had all seen better days but oh what luxurious,...
Sunday 18th August 2019 8:46 pm
You Cheating Bitch!
I remember the day when we first met, the day I made you mine,
our eyes met across a crowded room and I fed you a funny line.
"What's a cute thing like you doing in a place like this?" I said,
you came home with me that day and spent the night with me in bed.
I considered you my best friend and gave you everything,
I gave you a home, looked after you and took you unde...
Sunday 16th June 2019 9:40 am
When I was 7 years old, I went with my mother to visit her friend. I heard a dog bark when we knocked on the door. I love doggies! "Where's your doggie?" I asked. "I put him out back. He's an old police dog and isn't used to kids."
"Stay away from him," my mother warned.
Despite her warning, I went in search of the doggie and found him chained to a stake in the ground, head down, dark eyes...
Friday 12th April 2019 4:37 am
I Hate Cats!
I hate felines, I hate cats
They’re nasty, malicious little prats
They always land on their feet
They may look fluffy, cute and sweet
But they’ve needles for teeth and razors for claws
That they conceal inside their paws.
I hate their mewl, I hate their wail.
The cocky way they flick their tail.
The way they hiss, and arch their back
Before launching into a vicious ...
Tuesday 12th March 2019 8:40 am
The Shed
Hanging in the shed
Are four dead pheasants and a woodcock
On a makeshift table
Some half-eaten sandwiches and a thermos
A drab green waterproof
Hangs on a nail above some boots and drips
The man sits talking to a friend
And rubbing his damp hair with an old towel
Outside dogs are sniffing around the cars
Ignoring the rain one man is hunched over his ...
Friday 8th February 2019 2:15 pm
Dog Lane
I walk up from the bus stop at the end of each weekday,
I know I’ll cause a ruckus, every step along the way.
One hundred yards, four houses, four front gardens, four closed gates,
Behind each one a canine sentinel does lie in wait.
To take this path I have to steel my nerves, or ears at least,
And take care not to get a scare from these four furry beasts.
Am I always to be hound...
Saturday 22nd September 2018 7:44 am
Aquatic Stardust - a freewrite
Aquarian Aquarius,
everyone be hearing us.
What an exciting life you lead,
cosmic superhuman centipede.
I’m Centric G pause for the D:
ejaculating antiquating - even thoughts dilapidated.
You should go through twice
extinguish anguish from your life
cosmic zombie souls are sliced.
Universal detoxification
electrocuting nation-notions
rubbing Atlas, struggled rolling
infinitesimal scro...
Monday 6th August 2018 9:31 pm
Tanya & Tiny
Tiny is noise and loud
but cowers when in a crowd
tanay is quiet and loyal
hygenic and clean like a royal
both are crazy and fun
they love to go for a run
tanya likes to explore
tiny lets out a roar
she will always find her
she's always right behind her
and then they both lie on the floor
Tiny will chase all the balls
and bark when the buzzer calls
she will...
Monday 12th February 2018 12:36 pm
Bags of Shite
Penally beach path
Black plastic dog shit bags,
Strewn with carless abandon
‘Gainst clear, blue sky
And cold, fresh breeze,
A black stain,
Tarnish on the Pembrooke,
beauty ways,
You inconsiderate
selfish, dog shit vandal,
lacking sense,
where sensitivity should engage your being,
Amongst such
elemental wonder.
Monday 23rd January 2017 5:15 pm
Dedication from a canine
far surpasses humans abilities
or understanding
A love so pure
they would lay down
their lives at every sitution
When you pass
and leave them behind
they grieve in a way
so pure and real
They wait for us
for they have faith
they will see us again
And they do...
by Lynn Hahn
Saturday 14th January 2017 6:51 pm
The dog who died
A dog died on the streets today
A well bred dog with pedigree
His coat was riddled with fleas and lice
And his stomach was empty.
He would never bark or snap or crack.
Some would offer him food or treats
And some say he died of sadness and grief
A man died on the streets today
One less dog to think of
some were heard to say
On his passing away.
Saturday 14th May 2016 12:19 pm
Do you
Do you have colour in your cheeks?
Do you go to sleep remembering what you seek?
Do you recall what it was like to be corporeal,
or does it not feel like that at all?
Do you wake to find your pillow wet at night?
Do you see the wolves congregating under moonlight,
and howl at your own stupidity for staying inside?
Do you stare at the files on your desk each weekday
Sunday 6th March 2016 6:48 pm
Paws and snouts and whiskers and drool
And muscle and fur and eyes so sharp, kind and cruel
And light and strong and high in their jump
And eager and always hungry and always looking for more
And sleek and shiny and fast and then still
And smelling and sniffing and pushing and tearing
Playful and wanting and watching and rolling
And laying and nestling and warm and smelly
...Thursday 4th February 2016 10:45 am
The Man with the Black Cap
I see him sometimes at four in the morning
The man with the black cap
He walks his dog,
And apart from a nod
He’s not one for talking
He’s always there at four in the morning
The man with the dog
I guess he’s retired from some early morning job
Now he’s got the time
For walking
Still, it’s a grand time, four in the morning
For a man with a cap and a dog
...Tuesday 18th August 2015 9:27 am
Do All Dogs go to Heaven?
Do all Dogs
go to Heaven?
I sure hope
It's true.
Cause when I
get to Heaven
I want to be
there with you.
You are gone
now but
for a
short while.
When I see
you again
I'll have a
big smile.
I'll sit upon
the ground
while you run
that crazy little circle.
Monday 18th August 2014 4:57 pm
The King of the Garden
The King of the garden is dead
And now the vultures come
For once before they would fear to tread
But not now, now the King is dead.
The King was a battered mongrel dog
Who kept his enemies at bay
And no cat would dare to enter his domain
Whatever the time of day
The cats roam fearless now
And in the midday sun can quietly lie
Or dance and pla...
Sunday 17th March 2013 1:37 pm
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