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Young And Ready

She sees the world as an ocean 

And she wanna dip her toe in it 

I told her if you go to far 

You gon need a boat witcha 

She grabbed a boat 

She's ready to go 

I told her make sure there’s a 

Life ring and a lifeboat 

Just in case cause you might need those 

She responded “that’s fine” 

Bags packed

Excited to go on this ride 

I untied the rope from the pillar 


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You seemed mature beyond your years

An easy manner belied your youth

On balance I took you for thirty

But twenty was nearer the truth


Twenty however ripe is still young

You need solid years under your belt

You convinced yourself you loved me

But really didn't know what you felt


I was flattered by your attentions

Watched my peers look at us agog

It was nice t...

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City Lights

City lights,


Half-hearted smiles 

And ugly cries.


Bustling roads,

Narrow and broad;

Abundant with shops and bars,

And people- their bodies, minds and souls scarred.


Edifices tall and sturdy.

Trapped in it are people content and happy;

And those walking on thorns, barbed and merciless;

And those breathing but lifeless.


The city is a plac...

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The Mirror

This rumination came from growing awareness of my mortality which, in turn, is generated and measured by the expanding list of things once given or assumed that, alas, are no longer possible.


The Mirror

How shall I talk to you, my friend?

How should I regard you

(and will I care)

as you grow ever older before my gaze

while I stay young?


Who are you? Dare I look on yo...

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In the beginning

In the beginning he would wake at every peculiar sound that came from the babies crib 

In the beginning he would bring me a beverage as I fed his son whilst the moon was dimly lit 

In the beginning he would rush home from work eager to see the family he created 

In the beginning we were the people whom he could be himself and escape with 

In the beginning we were enough 


He wou...

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Beginningendloveheartbreakyoungsorrowfamilybrokenhusbandwifemarriagedivorceseparationbroken familybroken heartslostaloneafraid

I was young

I was young .. A simple statement that is the answer to many questions I am presented with 


Why did you get drunk, and throw up in the hall way? 

Why did you leave school, and truant all day? 

How did you get pregnant, at just seventeen? 

Why did you marry him, given what you had seen? 

Doesn't it feel silly, divorcing already? 

You're only 21, doesn't your life seem so craz...

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Young and wrinkly

Young and wrinkly


You are not getting old

But numerically you've advanced

No, you're not getting old

You're just chronologically enhanced.


You are not growing up

But of this much I am sure

To avoid growing up

We must become more immature.


We must dance until our joints creak

And sing until we can't speak,

Laugh until our lungs ache

And love until ...

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Birthdayageyouthyoungwrinklyoldgrowing older

- For my sleeping Savannah.


Sleep my lovely, and dream my lovely.

Close your eyes and see, my lovely.


See the fifth dimension that has formed within you,

See the universe behind your eyes.

See the truth behind the lies, see the world without disguise.


- Stars dance, in a floating sway.

Creating a rip through the milky way.

Black holes begin to turn and swirl,


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L is for limitless.
For our limitless love
that will continue to grow.

O is for only you.
For you're the only one
I adore to see.

V is for voice.
For your voice that speaks
of an angel.

E is for extraordinary.
For our extraordinary love
for another, that is so rare.

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