The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Shroedinger's Poet

It is a curse

To have a flying soul

And a cinderblock mind

To feel the call of the sky

But to be afraid of heights


I am Schrödinger's cat

Alive and dead

At the same time

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catshroedingercinderblockmindheightsalivedeadskyflying soulsoulafraid of heightsat the same timealive and dead

Yet Still I Run

How many times can one person be reinvented

I have run from myself so many times

I have fled from who I am

in order to be someone better

But always I fall short

Always I fail

Always I become someone changed but still the same

Always I leave behind the good

And carry with me the bad

I flee from the things I hate

Like a bat out of hell

I try to outrun the parts of my...

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runningselfparts of myselfchangechangingreinvention of selfreinventedrunbettertrying to be betterfailure

Who I am Becoming

Is the pain of loneliness worse than the pain of regret

Than giving away another part of your shrinking soul

I only have so much to give

I do not know how to stop

I am not eternal

I am not limitless


I am finite

There is a certain amount of me

And some parts never grow back

Some parts, once given, cannot ever be recovered

I cannot be returned to who I once was


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selfpastpainfinitelonelinessquestioninggiving of myself too muchlimited

Why I Do Not Want to Hear That You Love Me

My friends do not understand

Every one of their smiles is a noose

Every act of friendship is another weight on my shoulders

I am weighed down by love, I am weary from carrying it so long, so far

I cannot hold this heaviness much longer

I cannot hold onto this burden

Knowing I do not deserve it

Knowing it is not meant for me

Knowing I should not accept it

Knowing how wast...

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