The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Daily News

Death is showing his face daily.

We dont care.

Death is taking our youth to early.

We dont care.

Death has become daily news.

We dont care.

USA is dividing.

We dont care.

Satanist are prevailing.

We dont care.

Racicst are oppressing.

We dont care.

Governments are replacing God in heaven with the devil in hell in our education systems.

WE dont care.

Many ar...

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Blessed with Worldly Poverty

Can you imagine waking up every morning to slave for a wicked house?

Im at the lowest part of my life in this world,

But the highest point in my life with God.

Im poor

Yet rich.

Im oppressed

Yet free.

I am a slave

Yet I am proud to slave for the Most High.

I cant complain even though I dont have much.

I thank God for what I have.

I have not in this world,

But I ...

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ChristGodMessiah12 TribesIsraelElect

Gang Affiliated

A mennace,
The streets are consumed by addiction, fiends, and dealers.
They all have one thing in common.
The veteranos from my block took lives and introduced them to death. 

Harsh to their loved ones,
Destruction to their enemies.

The hood is full of hooligans ready to act on the first chance to proove their loyalty.
Not like back in the days,

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To my Father

Why doesnt he love me? 
Why does he ignore me?
I plead for his love and affection!
I need him! 
He is the one that made me the man I am today with hard learned lessons.
He taught me to work with my hands, He taught me the value of hard work.
I known him since I was born,
So why does he disregard me?
I ask him to see me
I ask him to visit me
I ask him to love me
I ask for his help.....

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Please Dont Send Me Home

Please dont send me back home to my parents house.

I have a new home, and started my own family

So that I may forget the pain of where I was raised.

Please dont send me to my parents house.

Although I love them dearly,

I have my own kids to watch after,

And who will raise them better than me?

Who will raise my children while I am gone?

Who will care and love my children if ...

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