The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

Then and now

Lucid lovers we were, 
Troublesome partners we became

Blessed was relation, contended our spirits
Ruined is now relation, 
ruffled in its spirits 

Every moment together was pure moment of joy, 
Everyday of forceful essence which sheerly killjoy

Gone are the days, we adored those sparkling eyes 
Tears now keep rolling and we smile in just disguise 

Persona was such which radiat...

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Relation became so abstruse... 

Once the muse became abuse... ?

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The Dilemma

To be or not to be is the question,
Tired I am of desire deprivation.
Seldom doth the flower bloom,
Drowning down in wordly gloom.
I had the ambition, I had a dream,
Pursue talents with certain gleam.
Alas ! These wishes didn’t last so long,
With power came responsibility along.

Life indeed is not a bed of roses, 
Burdens and hurdles society imposes. 
Habits and tastes we ought comprom...

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The Dilemma

To be or not to be is the question,
Tired I am of desire deprivation.
Seldom doth the flower bloom,
Drowning down in wordly gloom.
I had the ambition, I had a dream,
Pursue talents with certain gleam.
Alas ! These wishes didn’t last so long,
With power came responsibility along.

Life indeed is not a bed of roses, 
Burdens and hurdles society imposes. 
Habits and tastes we ought comprom...

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dilemmasmelancholysad poetry

Yes i love him...

Yes i love him... 

We fight each day to the extent of abuses, 

but I love him.... 

We fight for petty mistake, lies and excuses, 

but I love him.... 

I've lost my maturity,  skill sets and passion 

but I love him... 

He is losing career, health and expectation

but I love him... 

Frequent are my hot head and his cold feet 

but I love him.... 

We've got no sentiment ...

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