moving on (Remove filter)
I thank you for not being good enough
You pulled me into your orbit
when I needed your help
and so, I made you my centre
to centre myself
That was my first mistake
I looked inside you
for places where I could hide
I hoped to run from reality
into the delusions of your mind
I was happy to believe you were one of a kind
chuffed upon chuffed that you were mine
and I felt adored
grateful to m...
Friday 28th April 2023 11:54 pm
When His Words Become Hands
His words could become sharp as corners
And trap you there
Flailing in his grasp
They could pinch your skin
Until you cried
And cried
Throughout your shifts
They could catch your wrists and stop you
From moving on
From moving
They could lock the doors, no leaving
They could shame you and shrink you
They could come flying in from an open window,
A buzzing phon...
Monday 8th March 2021 7:27 pm
The Tide Will Come Out Of Your Mouth
Every time the glass of your skull
Crashes into the fist of another memory
To crush you where you stand
Because another memory has broken you
Because another memory has entered you
Like intruders, they force their way inside
They punch their way into your attention
They invade your heart
Until you must look at them
All so that they can violate you again
Tuesday 23rd February 2021 6:29 pm
Spit of Life
Do you remember how we used to savour the pins and needles on our tongues?
Do you remember how we used to bite into bitterness?
lick the spit of life
I was turned on by brokenness
maybe it’s cliche
that I craved pain
swallowing broken bottles
it's lined my pockets
it's swollen my stomach
Do you remember when we saw ‘sad’ as just another crayon
to colour ourselves in w...
Sunday 1st April 2018 4:06 pm
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