The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

A Petal to Fade....

A petal to fade,

A day to shade,

A rainbow too bleak,

A heartbeat too weak,

The snow too gray,

No words to pray,

The heaven to cloud,

Not a tune to sound,

No green buds to bloom,

A lightning to gloom,

Not a dewdrop to shine,

Not a dreamy peak to climb…


And the soul can’t set at ease

Just because the heart does miss

The dear and special one –

That ...

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I'm grateful for flares, sparkles, occasions... 
For colourful heart's and mind's expectations... 
For feelings' diversity and changeability - 
Taking up to cloud nine...
 Or plunging into gloom's hostility.... 

I'm grateful for tears - of pain or of joy... 
For errors, experience, sadness, delight...
For dreams and for failures that struggle deploys... 
For shame and disgrace, and victo...

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The Sky

The sky of childhood.. came alive...

And truly brightened the soul's drive...

I stared wordless into the black raven's Heights....

Amid the stillness and no lights....

The Heaven's shawl betook my pains

And settled comfort to the prays....

Just for an instant.... Yet it blessed

My sight and mind....

The constellations mesmerized with their might...

They were twinkling, s...

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Unanimous in fighting against the treacherous enemy…

Kozak’s heritage revives the ceaseless bravery…

Revenge and righteous anger inflame the bleeding hearts…

Amid the complete destruction, Praying and Faith are never apart…

Indomitable patriotic all-ages generations….

Never and ever had been brought to their knees or enslaved my nation….

Eternal glory to my Motherland and all the...

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The Universe is full of dreams,

Of what we've done, of what we cherish,

It laughs and cries, it hurts and screams

Within the thoughts, the virtue 'n' blemish...


The Universe is tender, kind,

It's tough and rough - the way we treat it... 

Just keep the clean and sober mind 

To catch the life and firmly keep it.. 


To live each day the utmost fullest, 

To praise t...

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Devoted to the song of ADMIRAL movie

The lines with tongues of flame

Are still within my sight,

The words of buried blame

Are manuscripts of fight.


I wasn’t meant for you

By destiny and skies,

But fatum gave a clue

And handcuffed our eyes.


 Evasions measured time

And distanced expectations,

And feelings made no crime,

And vanished shame at war flirtations.


And bleeding petals’ bloom


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Devoted to the memories of "The Pursuit of Happiness"

Partly exhausted, partly elated,

Partly inspired, partly neglected,

Partly encouraged, partly compelled,

Partly approved, somehow distressed;


Admired and hated, loved and ignored,

Coming through jealousy, pain and support,

Sharing dreams and being betrayed,

Having a lot to recall and regret;


Wasting the time, complaining of life,

Reflecting upon the things we d...

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The film which inspired to start writing


Today was time of happiness,

Today was time of joy,

Remoteness of sorrows

And few things to annoy....


Today was time of blissful smiles

When daughter looked at me.

Today was full of wide white stripes

As black ones had to flee...


Today had ardour that relaxed

The smallest cell of mine....

Today was genuine, free of stress -

Today I got revived.



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It's raining ....

It's raining again,

Thus, soothing the pain

Of our being apart.

It’s raining to cleanse,

Thus, yearning to cease

The siege of two broken hearts.


We’ll never unite in real dimensions

And our story’s beyond expectations,

We’ll further proceed different lives…

The knot of the duties and obligations

Is our oblivion and blissful distraction

From hopes – forlorn yet...

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Free yourself of forlorn feelings forwarding to the abyss of nowhere…
Abandon anticipation of the worst…
Increase life’s potential by facing your fears…
Treat the wounds with balm of hope and praying…
Haunt and chase all the might of your Self…

Hold and retrieve the faith in yourself -
and unbearable will become endurable…
and unreachable will be obtained…

A Person of Faith turns unima...

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Devoted to a doubting soul of mine

Life treats us kind and fair,

Life brings us joy, delight,

But we tend to despair

Rather than to fight.


Each day is like a rainbow

Full of happy stripes,

But mankind tends to sorrow

Within frustrated eyes.


We suffer, bear burdens,

Believe and sacrifice,

Belong to soul-mourners,

Or thrive in paradise;


Are haunted by solutions

Telling truth and l...

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'Hello' comes to you

Through thousands of miles............

It takes the warmth of sun

To bring you joy and fun........

Its lightest tender touch

Is that of butterfly's.......


'Hello' comes to you

On starlit moonlit nights,

At sunrise and twilight..........


On windy crushing days,

In moments of grief,

Within all faults, mistakes,

At time of weak belief


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Feelings invade, creeping inside,

Feelings evade, hound and hide,

Feelings betray, deserting mind,

Leading astray, wandering blind,

Feelings embark roads and tracks,

Feelings enflame, strengthen and crack,

Feelings deceive and inspire

Taking beneath, heaven-higher…


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Budding Romance

A single word is more than mere prose…

And flushing cheeks take color of a rose…

And shining eyes sparkle of elation…

And thoughts head to the harbor of constant admiration…


And flowers of smiles just blossom day and night…

And wings of dreams keep strong in their endless flight…

And passion steals the sense like clouds capture sun…

And hope’s precious balm strengthens he...

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The Night has taken moonlit shawl

And laid across the sky....

And twinkling stars arranged a ball

And danced while shining high....


And Wind slept peacefully in clouds,

And Frost caressed the tired tracks,

Just Tales sang lullabies

And muted muffled Sounds

Crawled kitten-like...

And ships of sweetest dreams

Flew safely - no wrecks.........

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A Game of Shaping Compound Words


An ever-lasting hope to survive,

A never-dying smile to keep believing,

An always-trying touch to feel the love,

An endless, curving track to taste a living…


A seldom-tired eye to watch the sky,

A never-ceasing faith among disasters,

An often-haunted dream to chase and catch and try,

A moon-and-sun-led star to brighten grief and darkness…


And every coming sea...

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Since he has gone

All by herself she has to be,

Just by herself…


Since he has gone the time has ceased to fly –

It’s dragging like a snail in no destination,

The brightest day has tarnished, and the sky

Abandons hope, screams of isolation.


All by herself she has to be,

All by herself…


Since he has gone she’s feeling insecure,

She seeks his trace – she glances, stares, gazes...

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A Miracle of Harmony

A miracle of harmony lies within a heart,

A miracle of harmony takes the pain apart,


A miracle of harmony soothes, heals, improves,

A miracle of harmony has so many clues,


A miracle of harmony – petals of a flame

Lessening and cleansing burden of a blame,


A miracle of harmony – touches of the wind

Taking to the sky above, wordening a hint,


A miracle of h...

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Devoted to this world

It’s just another gorgeous day

In this terrific world.

One takes one more unknown way

And faces unexplored.


It’s just another breath of wind

Caressing depths of mine…

Another smile within the sprint…

Can life be called a line?


Or maybe it’s a cliffy hill

Threatening the dreams?

Or maybe life is just a mill

Swinging in the winds?


Life is frantic, p...

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