The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Unforgiven Glimpses

Unforgiven glimpses

into a tempestuous past

bruise after bruise

fragments of broken glass

sirens screeching suddenly

shattering the silence of night

is this the way it finishes

does life end for her tonight


Blood soaked fists

a demon in his eyes

this man she thought a friend

his constant stream of lies

her eyes begin to close

as her body becomes numb


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abusedomestic violenceviolence


A lonely soldier sits in silence
Amidst a hectic city crowd
His strength drained long ago
this man who once stood proud
he risked his life for his country
A land which once he loved

Conscripted to an unbearable war
Where he struggled long and hard
His once agile body now shattered
PTSD has left his mind scarred
more deserted than hes ever been
silent remains his internal screams


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They seek shelter from the rain

In the doorways of the city

Although the lights shine so bright

Believe for them it's far from pretty

Watching the world pass them by

In a kaleidoscope of grey

Feeling like nobody notices them

As we continue with our day

All they ask for is a moment

Someone to stop and talk

Providing them with some comfort

From life's painful, lonely...

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