The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


It's not your fault
Nor mine either
Just our time wasnt right
We had our own fight

Could I ever understand 
What love means to be?
Could you ever realize
That I wasnt meant to be

I am covered under a veneer
That's looks lovely and clear
But underneath is a dying soul
Which is engulfed in a black hole

Dont head for destruction
Give it up and live a new passion
It's only a black ...

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Abyssblack holeloved one

Another time

The sun rays shimmer
On the Hudson river
Framing the sky
Is the New York skyline
A busy day begins and
From a window in the train
You can see the bridge
That appeared in movies
And in your dreams
The American Dream
In a teenager the only dream
She had always cherished
She knows the golden ripples
Arent true and wont last
As the sun will go down
No it wasnt for all that
It means to ...

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An open book she had been
In her mind remained nothing
Maybe he couldn't guess anything
When she kept secrets from him
The lost look in her eyes
The stolen smile on the curve of her lips
It's not a love long forgotten
It's a love rediscovered once again
The moment she allowed the shackles to break
And run wild head on into her dreams
Many wont understand but who cares anyway
It's her wo...

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