The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Two sides of Me

The war shall carry on within the two sides of me.
My blood seeps through my veins in peace on one side
Then rushes in tirades on the other side of me.
One day I will tear the whole world down in unwavering bravery.
The next I bury the sunlight and lie down in my own grave.
The light hides the darkness and the darkness charades as light
Should I let go of what is left of serenity in my path?

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bipolar disorder

Peace in the Insanity - A poem

The storm passed over; rain cascading down intensely
Tall old trees bend and snap
Sitting in my kitchen I could see my white wooden door rattling.
Outdoors I was sure nature was in a rage as she passed through
I was watching patiently as my lights flickered on and off
My windows portraying a scenery of chaotic earthly power.
There was water slowly leaking through beneath the crack of my door...

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