The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

House Without Mirrors

It does seem to be a source of great pride,

In certain circles, to have no feeling.

The House of Lords, in much of its dealing,

For example, appears preoccupied


With not looking inwards. They sit astride

Unfathomable power, concealing

From their own eyes, ears and minds, the squealing

Gasps of hungry children on the outside,


As they gallop off into the distance,


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Each day begins with a lie: there is hope.

Sunlight deceives; things as they really stand

Are dark. In the night, one can see first hand

The beauty of the blade, the pills, the rope.


Yet dawn feels like a fresh page – offers scope

For change. Kept intact by glue made of sand,

A poisonous illusion to withstand

Shattering reality – just - I grope


For impossible new ...

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On being asked, “On a scale of one to ten, where one is not very much and ten is all the time, how often do you feel like killing yourself?”

how are you coping? 

get it out in the open 

talk to yourself

none of our advisors are free right now


how often do you feel like running away? 

do you squeal every day, do you kneel

when you pray?

are you a failure?  how many people have you

let down lately?

do you break out in a cold sweat, do you drown,


do you ever forget?


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