The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Covert Narcissist

Hidden behind a perfectly prepared cloak of invisibility

Personalised meticulously for this latest victim

Expertly woven from the delicate and fragile fibres

Of their current victim's soul.


Interlaced with personality traits

Vulnerabilities plucked, deepest secrets stolen

Intimate thoughts intertwined in the fabric

To be worn by this charming illusionist.


A victim...

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abusecovert abusenarcissisticnarcissistnarcissistic abusevictim

Thank You Dad

Thank you Dad.

Thank you for your deep deep love.

For always making me feel so special and loved.

For teaching me to pass on that love to my own children.

I could not have felt more loved.


Thank you Dad.

Thank you for sharing with me your love of music and poetry.

For reading to me at bedtime and encouraging my love of books.

For instilling in me the love of words and ...

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daddaughterlovefuneralrememberfatherthank you

A Daughter's 18th Birthday Poem

Seasons come and seasons go

Through autumn’s leaves and winter’s snow

Sweet as summer berries you

A fresh spring breeze you carry through.


Though time flies fast, the passing years

Have bought us laughter, joy and tears

And now at last our daughter dear

Has reached her special 18th year.


So with all the love we feel inside

And all a mother and father’s pride


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You Are Everything

You are the one bright star in a cloudy night sky,

You are the distant beacon on a stormy dark sea,

You are the twinkle that flickers in my eye,

You are everything to me.


You are the single flower that grows through the weeds,

You are the last autumn leaf that clings to the tree,

You are the one strong shoot amid barren seeds,

You are everything to me.


You are the...

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The Redwood Tree

Hello, said the tree.

Thank you for planting me.

I think I’m going to like it here.


I love trees, said the little boy.

And I love you.

You are a special tree.


All trees are special, said the sapling.

I will always be here

Watching over you and your children’s children.


How long can you stay here? How old will you get?

Will you live for ever and ever?


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treesprotecting the environmentnaturesequoiaredwood

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