yin yang
What is sadness?
What is goodness?
What is badness?
What is happiness?
Are all these things the same?
Or different.
What is the same as these things?
I know it's not life.
I know it isn't living.
So what is it?
Wednesday 31st May 2017 6:11 am
you scream
i fall
you fall
I scream
we both cry
what is crying
it is showing emotion
Wednesday 31st May 2017 2:34 am
what is trust
trust is how much faith you put in a person
to trust you must also love
and to love you must also have faith
to have faith you need generosity
and for generosity
you need heart.
Sunday 28th May 2017 9:09 pm
my first draft of my new book
chapter 1
Poetry is based on expression of your emotions. Anybody can write poetry even if others don't like your poetry you should still like your poetry. Poetry is a way to let out your emotions too. Emotions are very important. Emotions are how we express ourselves. Without emotion we would not be human. As humans we feel pain, anger, sadness, happiness, and even l...
Sunday 28th May 2017 2:38 am
sadness in the morning
why were her eyes teary
was she sad
this early in the morning
why did she hurt herself
was it to feel pain
or maybe to bleed
why the hell was she sad
please tell me
i love her like a sister
did someone hurt her
if Yes
then who was it
please tell me who it was
Sunday 28th May 2017 2:28 am
quick shoutout
Hey guys I'm gonna start a new book series in august. So plz read it. It's a novel on these six friends and how they are paranormal creatures.
Saturday 27th May 2017 7:39 pm
poem on my family
my family is there for me
probably the only people who care
they love me
something i don't do easily
they call me out on my lies
they tell me when I'm in the wrong
they care for me
and i care for them
Saturday 27th May 2017 7:30 pm
more poetry
how can life be light and dark
especially at the same time
how is life good and bad
at the same time
life is always two things at once
it is a little confusing
but, hay, so am I
i am very confusing
especially when I'm mad
the world is like the yin-yang
it is light and dark
how can life be light and dark
especially at the same time
So tell me what yo...
Saturday 27th May 2017 7:05 pm
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