The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.


Nascent swimming, undertaking the lunge into reservoirs.

Our third tour of duty for love

I chase the serenade of warmth in your eyes----Balanced perfectly on stout cheeks and lips who utter the slightest phrase will control liberty.

The voice of your channels propel me into quandary.

Continue to hide behind your stare and I will be your audience. The avenues shine in the dark room.


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Leika pt.2

Preying on desperation, I prayed for reservations

Let’s stop before my written gets crucial

Seduce you----- commit to danger that you use too


Influencing touches felt the warmth of

Heartaches mixed the potions

Ever for alarming

Brushing up emotions


Taint a soul----an immediate connection

Open your eyes to the destruction

Spark a war in august

Fall of all fun...

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Bonny your history is beautiful

Flow through impasses of any barriers to my breast.

Urgency sirens. 

Failing to keep the gates barred, promises underwent submission in the palms of our fate.

Supply my heart substance

Open my channels wide and distort perspective.

Paradise plus bonny personifies perfect bliss

Placing black sand bountifully and preciously beneath our pods.


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I wish I fell in love with you when I was five

When my eyes first opened to a life of

Meaningless routine and a system that killed

Inspiration but did not harm my hope


I wish I fell in love with you when I was eleven

When the world showed its opinion of me

Just being me, when I had to showcase my flaws without my consent

A flower picked out of the ground before it had the...

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Sonnet VI


Vulnerability picked at battered Heart

Opened spirits found a tattered soul

What seems impossible was our start

Years of false hope refused to let us fold


Help, you wouldn’t seek -----I would never consider to give

Disposition changed daily

Detoxing lies in which we lived

From all the game we been playing


Maybe this is practice

For all the truth we were la...

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Sneak a brief moment of passion

The rush of emotion clashes your body

Falls on preoccupied ears.

 Impatience destroyed the fabric of relationship that time evidently builds.

 In an instance desire overcame true heart feelings---exploring intractable territory. 

Wills that succumb to a lifelong understanding and comfort of still passion.

 Ill words never entered my jilted mind, no...

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