The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

fingers through my hair

You ran your hands through my hair

As we listened to the “feel good” music

We laid there


Hoping to lay there forever

But in an instant

Forever is never

Like a black hole

The feelings were sucked up

Into another dimension

For different relationships

Except the memory of that night

The one that I can never forget

As we looked at the stars

Running yo...

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Two Instead of One

It was a simple thing

Just a different bed

She slept for a night


A wave


One night turned into two

And then three


A tsunami


Then he pushed back

So she pushed harder

Until they were miles apart


And we were in the middle

Screaming just so they could hear us

But its not like they were listening anyway


They loved each other?

They c...

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Cancel all you want

Get away from me

Get what you want

Get what you need


I never needed you

And you never needed me

But what am I kidding

I loved you so much, all I had was envy


Friends I thought we were

Friends you told me

By then you had left

You always leave me

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