The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Evening Thoughts

It brings me comfort knowing we're sleeping under the same sky,

Gazing at the same moon,

Wishing upon the same stars. 


It makes me feel closer to you. 

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love poemlovedistanceromantic distance lovelong distancemoonstarsnature


I am content to love you,

Knowing I will never be loved in return,

For it is better to give than to receive, 

And loving is better than being loved. 


The happiness the thought of you brings me

Is enough.

If I cant hold you in my arms, 

Then I will hold you in my thoughts 

And be satisfied,

Knowing that you live in my mind

And can never leave me.

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love poemYoung Loveloveunrequited lovelove poetry

Roadside Wildflowers

I hope the stars

Always twinkle for you.

I hope the flowers

Always bloom for you.


I hope the sun

Always shines for you.

I hope the moons 

Always bright for you.


I hope the sunset 

Is always your favorite color.

I hope your ocean’s 

waves are always calm. 


I hope your river

Always runs true. 

I hope the rain 

Never lasts too long. 



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loveYoung Lovelove poemunrequited lovelove poetryflowersNaturenature poetry

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