The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Marine A(tkins)

"When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,

And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains 
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier...
So-oldier of the Queen!"

- from 'The Young British Soldier' by Rudyard Kipling 

An elite "lure" to trap Taliban fighters into being shot
Always seeming to be the only one being shot at
Tired, st...

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Jet Set Go

Meet you at the airport
5 hour layover you say
Sit and chat and drink some coffee
And then watch you fly away

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Unexploded remnants of war
Giant pouched rats
Crawling on my belly
To join a Strafbattalion 
Never got a response

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I'm not the administrator of my own destiny it seems
I wasn't given enough of the required priviledges
Lacking permissions 
Read only access
But I just want to write
I couldn't identify the format
Don't want to remain just a normal user 
Where is the checkbox you speak of
Labelled  “Total Control”?
I was born to run, flying free as an admin

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I'm just a junk food rapper
Blown in the breeze
Can I have it like that?
Can't say I didn't give you extra cheese

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Left Hand Pathos*

Our Father
The confusion started
One day in idyllic late 1970s southern England
At a Catholic infant school
The sinister Mrs Williams might have been to blame
Maybe the fact I can't recall her name
Is just one of the symptoms
Of the possible primary consequences of converting handedness
(That of memory disorders) 
"Inclined to be be slow" 

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Warm memories of a long time ago

The street scene resembling a tableau

Whiter than white silent night glow

Temperature must be 10 below

Sloshing through the Arctic floe

The road salt is running low

Sliding down the street like it's Skid Row

As I walk in dog shit

Past the bloodstains in the snow


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She stripped me of my knighthood
She had the measure of my tall tales and long stories
Then my war horse turned pale and ran away
She threw my medallion into the fire pond, disappeared
And abandoned me in my platinum palace in the sun

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Soft Shoes

I feel (alone it seems) that
In our tectonic relationship
The resonances of our harmonic vibration
Their full cadence might cause bridges to fail
If we crossed them
So that's maybe why
We must walk out of step
And run out of time

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Attempt At A Poem in the Style of Du Fu

"We seek him here, we seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in heaven?—Is he in hell?
That damned, elusive Pimpernel"
- Baroness Emma Orczy
The puddle has swallowed a full moon
The necessary monsoon washed the wild dogs' mess from the path
I'm only airborne for as long as the flame stays alight
Just as well I'm m...

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Be my trophy wife
(I've already put you on the pedestal)
I'll never leave you 
On the shelf
Or locked in the basement
I'll improve on my dusting skills
And polish up my act
Everyday at the moment I feel like 
The holder of both the sweet F.A cup 
And the Ashes
For the record time
Forever half empty and half full
I hope one day to pick you up

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Night Moorings

To be tossed from the sea of a upside-down mattress
Onto shaky coffee grounds
Late mornings fail to try early nights 
An anchorite floundering helplessly
Trying to connect his vessel
With the bed of your body of water
Flailling in my pit
Like an uncomprehensibly simple page
Torn from life's rich tapestry
Light slipping - a heavy wait
Until I'm once more

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Picture (Act 2)

Our tense, electric street theatre
Blurred the boundaries of pavements & stage, life & art, 
Poetry & motion and so on
It caused static on passing spectators' clothes and
The whispered dialogue made everyone's hair stand on end
There was no interval
There was improv everywhere 
Locations & props appeared as if it was all planned
Even Statler and Waldorf wer...

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To Make A Lyre

Slaughter a cow 
Get some entrails
Find some guts
You must attach the strings to a yoke
To make it sing

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"Gurkha heroes are 'overwhelming' our town!" *

Say Gerald Howarth
It makes us cowards feel nervous
The thought that the security guard
At Morrisons may have shanked more of the "enemy"
Than we've heated Morrisons' ready meals
Does not aid easy digestion
Nor thoughts of shoplifting
The retired ones have probably earnt the right
To sit on a Aldershot park bench
* Quote from

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Waste Land

It's the ongoing Dairy Crunch
We've all got to tighten our belts
But I can see that
The Co-op's bin holds good bread and fruit
The chain newsagent bin has bookazines, a big box of Lego etc
And the state secondary school skips and bins are full of good books*
*I found the first edition of 'Collected Poems' by Louis MacNeice (as well as many other books) in a skip at...

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Poetry Nitez

I keep on falling
Out of love 
With the sound of my own voice
Could be a messy divorce
With this silent treatment
(At least we don't argue)

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The muse may strike you 
Like Cupid struck them with a lead arrow
Both will give a blunt tip
Of aversion
And desire to flee

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Dental Records

I've got fillings for you
Deep fillings
All these sweet words you make me say
Have given me tooth decay

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Sahara (in progress)

I'm returning to look for you
For the first time 
By the great fire
By the time I got there 
All was left was ashes
White through red to
Grey and black
Gathering dust
Watching slow specks glowing
Like hot particles slowdancing in the sunshine through the window
Shifting slowly around the room like a sand dune
Just the Scirocco blowing over
The back of your ...

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I told you what your friend's Gaelic name meant in English
You never knew
I never would have known it
If I'd never met you

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expat - hyena version


Pay your weigh your luggage.
Too burdensome
Taken on a new home
Glides across Europe
Across the border that does not exist
In the country
And returned home after
Travel to infinity
Without a destination.
However, the boy quickly warp a boomerang.
The convenience of house has come a long way
Tetleys sweating
Still bitter...

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pay your own weigh your baggage
the load is too heavy
giving up
on new adopted homes
at home all i wanted was Sky, pool, darts
gliding through europe 
crossing the border that no longer exists
into the next country
and back home later
to the world
an endless voyage
with no destination
but the boomerang boy arcs quickly
home comforts have...

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What It's For


Romantic poetry is for old ladies
Whose husband hides in the shed
Seeks refuge in the pub
And when indoors plays dead

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If I remain oblivious and insensible after I carc it 
Please one day 
(Doesn't really matter when as long at it precedes the Apocalypse)
Put me on a shelf 
Between Burns and Byron. 
Good company for any afterlife somewhere between heaven and Hull
Say my name right
Not 'Burns' or 'Byron'
Please pass me over to a friend
Don't pass me over

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Princesse Lointaine

Days are long like the journeys

As I walk through the ages
You are not approachable
Because you are not here
By the grace of your grace
Seen you from behind many times
In my rear view mirror
In the highway mirage
Mist in the fog
I'd love to go for a walk with you again
Leave the chaperone

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She's from the edge of the earth
Its not the end of the world
Almost the quintessential Western European
An old worlder
The salt of the earth
From where rocks break the ocean 
With omerta

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Where the empty buses drive around
Gas leaks months (years?) from underground
Dog owners defile the nature reserve
Fertile ground to over-egg my oeuvre

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One of Rupert Murdoch's 'new' poets 
He had bags of Cex at the poetry festival
Some of his luggage on the journey home
Was in carrier bags from the shop 
Selling second hand video games and the like
He didn't like the accomodation much
He was put up in someone's house
And had woken their dog in the night

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Poetry and Music


Someone's still there
When the light goes off
Leave the landing light on
Sing me a song
Make the dark bright
Entertain the great nephew and niece 
With a song about an old man from Leeds
It was so funny. And it rhymed as well
We had to ask him to tell us it again
We laughed and I learnt it by heart

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High Viz


Invisible man with low status
I need to be seen during poor lighting or weather conditions
Too retroreflective stripes
Helps to distinguish between objects and people
Work and cycling
A substance that has absorbed light
Emitting light
Still shining more in the moonlight
Than in the daylight
More easily discernible from the background
When in environ...

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