The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


The deejay from the UK had a really great time
Staying up all night, regularly
For days and decades
Not just some weekends and the odd holiday

Vitamin D levels were not optimal
Midday sunless UK
No talk of Circadian rhythms
He slept in the daytime

Still about, and now in his fifties
In the flesh and not Photochopped
He looks like something chasing Frodo in those films
A cousin of de...

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New Year

The year arrived

Like a Quaker hangover

Where you need to get

To a chapel of rest




After another Tory victory

Didn't seem to be unexpected

In the way things seem be to going


"Hope springs eternal"

Said the poet / cripple

Try to stand up straight

Rebuild and start over again

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She's a real Disney princess

Of the dream / woke monarchical elite

£2m refurbishments of their house

Paid for in part by homeless on the street


Eyes wider than her waistline

Charity hunger energy always trending

I really wish any young couple all the best

And also wish her a happy ending

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The year arrived

Like a Quaker hangover

Where you need to get

To a chapel of rest



After another Tory victory

Didn't seem to be unexpected

In the way things seem be to going


"Hope springs eternal"

Said the poet / cripple

Try to stand up straight

Rebuild and start over again

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