The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Location, Location, Location*


The muse can be found
In high places
Where through the back door 
You can see the ground though the floor of the balcony

A precipice runs along to the front door
The muse can be found in remote places
Where and when you would never
Choose to go

Vertigo and other things heavy 
Headed for the other side
Into the air
Falling like a Mary hail

Theres no bell at the front door

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Look Again


Look at you
Look at you through your see through umbrella
Look at you in your mascara and eye makeup
Making me look at you in the eye
Look at you in your spangly top catching the light
Look at me looking but not touching

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Malaysia Airlines

When we meet I'm flying high
Soon to be crashing down (was I shot?)
Or to disappear off the face of the earth
Into an oceanic abyss

Unlike Maarten de Jonge

I always get on


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You don't get my point
Not matter how hard I try
English's not my first language
But I will get by

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Pro Linguis

Ooh la la



Pour moi

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Fifty Shades of Grey

She said I'm like a Mr Grey 
In that John Major kind of way

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