The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.


You inoculated me, so I was immune to your love

Gave me just a taste then dried me up
Time and space coagulates in place 
Congealing and sealing everything you took away 
No more conscious volition I enter submission
Just outside my peripheral vision 
The sound of your hand saying goodbye is a wavelength 
I no longer hold flowers, I am just an empty vase  
And the music in ...

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What Is Love

When you kiss me and the worst parts of me perish

And only the best parts of myself regenerate
That's love 
When you see my demons and the contours of my shame 
And still think I am brave 
That's love 
When you lend me money even though you can't afford it
And I don't have enough to pay you back
That's love 
When I turn to sand in your arms
And you scul...

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