The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.


Life is like a feather

strong when it hugs

weak when it flies

rough when it falls

and soft when it leans in for a kiss.

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Women like mine

Woman like my 

Strength enough to break through iron doors 

Woman like my 

Tenderness of a mother’s words 

Woman like my 

Every lasting love for the world 

Woman like mine

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Black is me

The black in me sees 

A mother playing with her child under the African sun 

The black in me hears 

A man’s cries as he is stripped of his home

The black in me feels 

The empty shell that was left working under the American sun 

The black in me dares 

to pursue freedom like Harriet Tubman

The black in me dreams 

Like Martin Luther King dreamed of the unalienable rights p...

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Like a sweater 

It hugged me closer 

and never let me 


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Flirt with the thought of happiness 

Romance your way through adversities 

Marry your everlasting fulfillment 

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Cracked, not broken

A wilted heart 

Can be watered 

To a new start 

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Do you hear my tears ?

Can you see my screams? 

The inundation of my frustrations have not run to you

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We are tired.

Tires that are not tended to 



We are tired of being tires. 

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A peek of my sun

In a sky full of dark clouds 

Take thunder by the hand 

Create a storm 

And be the sun that chases the rain away

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Dark times

Spring has sprung

and with it came an eerie feeling 

Even flowers could not mask it 

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My fears 

Slowly respired away

As these tears 

Became my oxygen mask everyday

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Swam in the light that shone

Drowned in thoughts that could not stay afloat 

Gasped for much needed calm 

Sank into the surrounding darkness

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New you, same canvas

When reinventing yourself 
Grab a colorful canvas.                                

A blank canvas                                                                      does not signify a new beginning.
It symbolizes complete erasure of what was and attempted to create to what is. 
A colorful canvas 
accepts what was and incorporates it into your is 
resulting in a new beautiful mistake. 


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Night waterfalls

In the darkness

Streams fell down 

An emotion came ashore


It was shielded inside 

A box with a lock 

There was no key.

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The She in Her

“It” was quiet 

“It” was still 

“It” was robbed every night

“It” stayed there 

“It” said nothing 

  In the morning

“She” was sunken 

“She” was emotionless 

“She” was defenseless 

“She” was quiet

“She” was still 

  The next night 

“She” became  “It”

For the “She” in her had left this world 


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I held courage by the hand 

And walked away 

The birds followed me 


The sun followed me 


I was finally free

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Musically mine

The violin cries tears 

And sings of heartbreak songs 

Recounting the happy through its legatos 

The sad through its staccato 

The heartbreak through its ricochet 

and the final goodbye through its detaché.

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She lives in the shadows

She does not recognize her reflection

She cries without tears coming out 

She feels love with no heart 

She is fragile enough to be broken 

She believes with no hope

She is hollow

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It feels like a tropical desert 

With wind blowing and rain falling 

But nothing is growing

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She smiled and said hello 

Hello , her eyes said shinning , her voice peaceful 

Peaceful she was as she spoke 

She spoke of a better place 

A better place filled with harmony 

A harmony sans melody there 

She wanted to go there .She was ready to go 

To a place not on pictures we hung

She hung to dear life onto every word I spoke 

She spoke. I listened but did not he...

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Out of body

What if you were living your life and another's 
feeling the sun scorching down on your face in a summer that is winter
walking down busy streets with thoughts running through your mind that are not yours
feeling pleasure but crying oceans of tears. 
What if everything you've ever seen was a figment of your imagination 
everything you knew was just a hallucination 
What if we were just bare ...

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Black, a color I used to love on you 
Blue, is what you made feel around you 
Red, is for all the pain i felt 
Grey, is for "I wish we'd never met" 

Smooth were your words when you lied 
Heavy was my heart as it sank and died 
Soft was your voice when you were mad 
Rough are the times we never had 

Colorful springs opened new doors for us 
Hot summers led to feelings of lust
fall fil...

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She turns the bad into the good 

always obfuscating the truth 

decorating lies  with flowers 

hoping someone would notice

she turns sadness into happiness 

wears white just to lighten the moment

but then covers her head with a hood

she turned the bad into the good 

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Today i will cry,

warm tears of despair and loss 

they will never fall

because once again

I was paused and muted 

my voice quiet but thoughts so loud

In the end, they exploded

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I am from anxiety and fear 

I am from panic attacks and beer 

Iam from sadness and depression 

I am from all different kinds of emotions 


I am from the voices in my head

The good, the bad , and the evil going head to head 

I am from “ I was excited, now I’m down”

I am from “I need to eat this now” 


I am from the lack of social skills 

I am from trauma from all ...

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Winter sang to me 

Stories of yellow lost lands 

In a minor key 


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 He sees  me with a blindfold 

Talks to my presence but denies my soul 

He talks to a person through me 

He chooses not to know me 

It’s easy not to know me 

Less for him more for me 

But I choose to know him 

And we continue just like that 

10:90 80:20 70:30 60:40 

Less for him more for me 

I see him with a blindfold 

And I throw away mine .

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