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As I walked

through the garden dew

'tween clipped box and shapely yew,

'tween hard hornbeam and

'tween friends

a perfect peace descends


As I walked

from the round green room

past dusky shade and roses' bloom,

past shapely hedge and

past huge urns

the garden quiet returns


As I walked

in the lakeside glory

to the enchanted terrace torri,

to the ...

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The Promise

It has been so many years

since that moment of truth

when finally you were truly alone


It has been so many years

since you flew with the flames

as the organ played


and I looked out at the distant horizon

seeing you there drifting away

into finality


It has been so many years

since I made you a promise

I could not keep


You said

Do no...

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A series of 11 short poems


End of a Galaxy


A blink

In the silent depth of night



As the last leaf of the beech tree

As the silent tear of my love




End of Harmony


I see her dancing on the sands


I see her                                     as she sees me

and in that moment

sand, sea, sun, surf

vanish in the vortex



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