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destiny (Remove filter)


The rock

The rock on a high coast, on which I leant.

Your love, as strong as the rock.               


We were


we held eternity blindly; we reached

for a meaning that was greater than life:



Destiny - word of fools.

Your eye and mine:

they saw

only a hazed horizon.



Endless line before endless line

losing time to d...

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destinylifefutureseaHopkinsDewi Emrys

In the beginning, God [early draft]

And in that first wailing cry my ashes were ordained:

As the ocean acknowledges its horizon,

knows infinity's finite edge

so my cry knew a destiny

knew my play and my learning

my work, my leisure, my sleep

the evil of my hands and the goodness of my heart

my loves, my hates, my pleasures.

Knew my world: that tiny flesh held all my futures

and in those fragile bones resid...

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destinyworldglobal warmingpoliticsearth


They come together

                in this place outside

yet at the centre of our world.

We have asked of them

                our destiny

Have demanded nothing of them

                except our future.

Who are these gods in whom we place our trust?

Who are these gods that we have selected?

                These are the senate that we once elected:

The senators that ...

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