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As I pass beyond my summer wall

Once more the land embraces my spirit

And its silence becomes my prayer

While I and heaven hear

The wind whispered psalm

As dusk caresses the tree tops

That surround my field fane -

I walk slowly through its grassy nave

Lost in my old memories

And pause at the far gate:

The sun sinks low behind me

And my long shadow stretches out in ...

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Cottage Garden

Much more than half my life ago

Some chance led us to this place;

Now, my heart is caught and held

By the peace of its earth and space.


Some while past, when first she left me

I could not make my soul adjust

But cached it safe within the plot

Beside her memory and her mortal dust.


And as the family aged and spread

My lonely tenancy grew content

Past spectres...

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Ah! I loved you!


Lost to your soul,

            I bared my heart


Within your mind

            I held my heart...


            as if all hearts sang with mine

                        as if all lips knew


I felt your blood pulse

            and heat my soul

            as your hair scourged my body


                        (Ah! I loved your hair!)


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loveobsessionpassionworshipdesirelove poemromancebody

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