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Life (Remove filter)




I have failed at everything.
Everything I try to do.

I have failed in school.
I was never well behaved.

I have failed at work.
I was never a very good slave.

I have failed at family.
Where are they now?

I have failed at life.
I’m barely making it somehow.

I’m not a famous person.
I’m not a wealthy man.
I’m not a holy guru;
Nor wanted by any friend.

I’m just goo...

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A thousand times regret.

Choices made,
that cannot be unmade.

Stupid things,
done again and again.

laid for a useless life.

Coming to an end for some time.

At least death will be done right.

Kind of hard to screw that up.


(Photo taken by poet. It's the Pennsylvania hills behind Frank Lloyd Wright's Kentuck Knob House.)

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We Don't Trust Them

We don’t trust them.
Those giants who rule the Earth;
those fallen ones who stole our dominion.

We don’t trust them.
Those royal descendants of “gods”;
those of the divine blood line.

Why should we trust them?
They live in castles even today,
while we still cower in caves.

Why should we trust them?
From days of old,
we die in their wars,
we beg to consume what they own.

Why sh...

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I remember in poverty,
eating ramen noodles,

Beans and Weenies.
Meatless sauce

Rice, Rice, Rice,
without any real

Bologna Sandwiches.
Hamburger Helper

Fried Spam,
and all kinds of meat,

Hot Dogs on a stick,
burnt to a

Catfish from the creek,
yellow belly

Milwaukee’s Best.
Another broken

The cheape...

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It Fits

It fits.
It just simply does.

My arm fits behind your head,
as we lie on the bed, in the glow.

Your head on my shoulder,
comfortable and light.

It fits.
It just does.

Staring at the ceiling;
at the cobweb on the fan.

Nobody cares. There are no thoughts,
just reverie, and peace. Just to be.

It fits.
It just fits.

This life with you,
and who we are.

This growth togeth...

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In My Life Time

In my entire life,
the worst things to come
upon me,
has come at the,
hands of respectable
people, who call themselves

It has not been,
scary men, in dark shadows.
It has not been,
those people, across the sea.
It has not been,
the conman, stealing my soul.

It has been,
men and their wives,
who own businesses,
and lands,
and courts,
and governments,
and religions,

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Time Marches On

Time Marches On

Time marches on,
but things can change.
The flow of life is the same,
but we can spin away.

Find a place to abide;
a life to call your own.
Find a way to live;
a way to feel alive.

All the road blocks,
will guide your way.
Till you are strong enough,
to crush them all.

That path of least resistance,
is how the water flows.
Carving a river, a gorge,
a valley,...

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Nature's Breath


Nature's Breath


In those days;
when the shutdown came.
When mankind laid low;
and the money didn’t flow.

In those days,
nature took a breath.
Nature began to heal.
Nature felt relief.

In those days,
the poisons stopped.
The greed died,
and the rich man cursed.

In those days,
the birds sang.
The butterflies flew.
The bumblebee worked.

In those days,
the virus s...

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