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Beyond the Plastic Pole.

The landlord called this morning

Said that she could tell I just woke up. To call her back later.


The cold was different to me, this late morning
Hazy, paired with rain
Drizzled, Murky, Heavy air that swept through the knit of my hoodie.


The branches lay next to the garage in a consecutively non-organized fashion, taken back by hand a few times

 To the old burning pile ...

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ChildhoodConnor LannesForestMemoriesNostalgiaRainWoods


It's a concentration of atoms, that in the air converse with one another.

And then those bits become molecules. 
They create my table.
My computer.
And in some ways, my ability to type and write and eat ramen at the last hour of the night.


And they make

That smokey woody herbal floating aroma that reminds me of the witchcraft shop down the street of where we used to live.


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AndConnor LannesMemoriesRelationships

Ponytail Kid

I'm pretty sure that everyone

Knew the ponytail kid.

Had a ponytail kid.


Is what I mean.


The guy that was just...scratchy, and rough, and he needed to shave more. You know that guy?




You kind of have to wonder when you meet the ponytail kid, why he's like that.
With a grey hoodie that's kind of too big, and it has spraypaint haphazardly covering it.


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Connor LannesMemoriesSelf Image

Puberty & Desperation


For the love of God


Change your sheets.

Take a shower,

You stink.

Your body is exuding more fumes than a nuclear plant.

And by God.

While we're on this trail of reconstructive surgery.

Toss out that shit personality.

Trashy anime and cartoons, no counting for taste.

Kid, if you put a rainbow filter over that drawing, I swear to God...

No wonder every...

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