The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

Category 5

When I think of you, I am flooded with a million emotions
A wave
A wave so big it could take out the world
My world 
And that it did
I haven’t been the same since I met you. 
I’m part to blame for that
You are quick on your feet
Charming, witty, and handsome
Oh so handsome
I opened the flood gates 
I welcomed in the storm
The perfect storm that you are 
But little did i know it was hu...

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damagedloverelationship breakup

Letters with in

I don't paint or write anymore 
I don't even read
Where am I?
Where did I go?
It is dark here; 
Save me
Bring me back to the surface
Read the letter addresses by me..
To my self
So I write back
It's been a while 
I don't even remember what it was like;
What it was like to not just see color 
But to feel it 
I can't remember what it's like to feel the words flow out of me 
I don't ev...

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Unappreciated Art

A single blue dot on a canvas
That no one can understand
Over looked and unappreciated
So quit yet so loud 
A story waiting to be told 
But no one cares to ask 
Every canvas tells a story
This one is called depression

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