The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

WOL Competition on optimism (Remove filter)

Hymn of a Northern Clime

All hail the Winter Solstice!

The everlasting Sun

Force of Light and Life

Returns to us once more.


O Sun, we trust Thee.

Thou wilt not abandon us

To desolation of shadow

And frozen sleep.

We honour

Your guardians of gloom

The gliding Moon, your Eyes of Night

And Sky Fire.



We celebrate and make merry

With feasting, drin...

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WOL Competition on optimism

The Big Hill

“Climb with me, Nana.

I want to go to the top.

Nobody else will go.

Imagine the top of the mountain, Nana.

I want to see the world from the top.”


The words struck deep.

And the vinegar in her veins

Became new wine

Strong exhilarating vital

New wine in an old bag.


“Look at the world from here, Nana.


Wow! indeed, Child. Wow! ind...

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WOL Competition on optimism

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