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After Paradise


In the garden which I roam

full of trees and flowers grown

live a multitude of creatures

all unique with splendid features

rivers that twist and entwine

a web that changes over time


As my needs have changed

this garden must be rearranged

for trees I need the wood

rivers have a tendency to flood

all these creatures roaming free

eat the food that’s meant fo...

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A single ray of light in eternal darkness

A flash in the endless abyss

So fast it ends in the instant of creation

containing all of time within

So bright and so absolute

for that instant it is

all there is, there was, there will ever be

this flash of light that is existence.

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The Art of Judo

Before I even begin to talk about judo I should define what art is or at least what it is to me. The dictionary defines art as “The conscious use of imagination in the production of objects intended to be contemplated or appreciated as beautiful, as an arrangement of forms, sounds or words.” To me art is simply expression, in whatever form it may take, dance, music, painting, sculpture or in this ...

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Beyond The End


Beyond The End


When all of time’s forgotten

when every star’s gone out

energy at its most basic

dispersed in space and doubt


No order to the chaos

only entropy now grows

matter non existent

in an endless sea that flows


But when disorder is the order

entropy at its height

infinity IS infinite

out of darkness will be light


What came bef...

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