The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.


Wake up at the normal hours

Every day,

Every morning

Finding oneself drowning in the same routine

Every day,

Every afternoon


Every day,

Every night one dreams of changing the world

Finding a purpose,

Making a difference

One day though

Every dream will come true



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Their fire is not seen for miles;



Silent, but ferocious.


They are brighter than what catches the eye.

They will be able to burn forever.

They just need their match to ignite.




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An illness is vicious

Any can be frightful from pneumonia to cancer

It’ll make all of your loved ones suspicious

Now the worst isn’t the goodbying

Losing your roar as your fire burns out is

Or never being able to kiss your beautiful wife once you’re dying


Smoking your last cigarette

Your lungs fill with smoke and doubt

Your chances of living are to those of Rus...

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sad poemsdeathillnessfamily

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