The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Death is coming

Somebody famous once said 

That people aren’t afraid of being dead

They’re afraid of being forgotten

Whilst their bodies decompose smelling rotten

That is a lie

I know because I spy

People are afraid of the unknown

Afraid of what they haven’t been shown

No one knows what happens for sure 

Just know when you die their is no door 

Like when you’re asleep for hours witho...

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Man in the shadows

Have you seen him before

He’s big and tall and hides in the shadows

Have you heard him before 

He’s whispers in my ear on my shoulder small only whilst upon me

Have you met him before 

He makes promises to punish anyone who has wronged me

Have you seen him before

He doesn’t have eyes yet I feel them upon me

Have you met him before 

He’s there when I sleep and when I wake...

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A message to God and my Nan

You left nothing but your last breath that I cherish and hold dear

But tell me how I’m supposed to breathe when you’re not here 

I’m constantly living in fear

The person who loved me the most just gone

But I can still hear her calling 

I still hear her song

Everybody says life is too short but I think it’s too long

I don’t know if I’m going to see her again though I need her n...

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DeathMessage for God

The monster

You don’t know about the anger and rage

Which has mutated and grown with age

Only let loose when I engage 

In the booth or on stage

Normal people are able to contain and control 

(We’re all a bit psycho)

But normal people hold it in their subconscious 

Only coming out in hallucinations when they’re unconscious 

Grown with time the rage has become monstrous 

Constantly li...

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