The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Mongrel

Some say I am a mongrel

Because I have a mixture in my blood

One part Scottish

One part Wiltshire

One part Yorkshire

One part Wales

I was born and bred in Sherwood Forest

North Notts to be precise

In Bassetlaw District Council

In Victoria Hospital

That is no more

Now I know all about the cutbacks

the death of old King Coal

the closure of the railways

the c...

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I saw a picture of the Queen dressed up all in black

The rain was pouring down the drain i wish i had my pac a mac

Queen Mary and the Queen Mum were there following the cortege

It was another milestone the dawn of another age

I must have got this image as we sailed the ocean blue

You see there had been an explosion in 1952

I never meant to hurt no one I'm sorry if i did

I neve...

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Nikki came to England in the back of a brand new Transit van

She had been in East Africa when the poachers shot down a whirlybird

Just days before the dentist had shot a Lion in the nature reserve

The WWF for nature were feeding carrots to an African Elephant

They claimed these animals were in danger of becoming extinct

The Maasi warriors, the bushmen of the Kalahar, the red indians...

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The Black African

In another hand picked audience with the Prime Minister there was no Black African to be seen

Now they are talking of racists in the sevice of the Queen.

The Prime Ministers conference on corruption started off in private talks with Her Majesty, the Archbishop was listening as the camera's rolled.

The Prime Minister said Nigeria and Afghanistan were countries both corrupt why has it taken...

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The media

Another Poem

So i tried to write another poem about the countryside

About the U shaped valleys the meandering rivers the mountains and the glens

Only then I realised I had already driven around God's country towing a mini combine harvester,

From Pembroke to Caernarvon to where the Shepherd lost his sheep from Aberystwyth to Trawscoed

To the salmon river cascading down the waterfall to the place in ...

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Henry Percy

I once worked for Henry Percy a very good friend of mine

He owned a little vineyard on highway 59

It was a clearing in a forest perched high upon a hill he made the finest moonshine from a copper still

We soon got talking about days so long ago

He was from Kentucky i was from Idaho

It seems we had connections somewhere down the line

He said that he had married in 1979

He only ...

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The Boss

There will be no more tea and sympathy when you come home late at night

I dont want to know where you have been i dont need another fight

Harrassing all the neighbourhood that has become your line

I know that someone else is taking up your time

So you can keep your money your villa and your yacht

Just remember who is the boss and who can put you on the spot.

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