The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

Between two Worlds


For my Father


In dreams my father is with me.

He lives in his nightmare wide awake.


In dreams my legs buckle.

He falls in his nightmare.


I see him, we cannot speak,

his frail hands outstretched to his child.


His hanging mouth a cave

with all his life inside, forgotten.


Asleep in his bed like amber in linen,

withered by time and ages rot.


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Will they be glad when I am gone

when my bare feet float above the tile

will there be regret will there be none

will any stop to think a while

The street will stir the cars will pass

the news will come and go

the mail won't stop nor will the grass

that's how things go I know

My goodbye thoughts I will not write

there'd be no point in it

my message however so cont...

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How to ponce about with words

to aim one’s arse to shape one’s turds.


Make them pleasing to the eye,

yet still attract the common fly.


Syllable or Syllabub,

is that stanza sweet enough?


That those who pander to its taste

are far too cool to be disgraced...


by calls to gladly recreate

the chunks of words which constipate...


pure thoughts ...

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Medals Schmedals


I am completely sane screamed the madman in rain

inside the scope of the trijicon

his wrists dripping blood and the money all gone.

Naked dancer on East African clay

panga smashed skulls at the height of the day

the Askari gate guard his chest "en filets".

Diphtheria racked gasps in a third world throat

promise to the bearer defaced on the note

with flood waters risin...

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