The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Gone World Gone (Poem for a Dead Man)

Childhoods end suddenly nears...
As whispered through a vampire's ear

The blood dries and cracks in the veins
Sucked out by fangs
To reveal secret screenings of teenage dances
And Salvation Army warehouses

An iron mask on my heart
Keeping out the sepulchral reality of time
Fractured beyond any hope for repair

Memories of the gone world wreaks havoc
Weeps deep down through the willo...

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The world is mysterious but really so simple...the meaning of life is love...and to love is to create...when you begin to love something new takes form...billions of people and creatures and we are all here together with this connection...the axis mundi...the stem of the lotus...the cosmic connection of heaven and earth...we have Hinduism every god/goddess has it's counter goddess/god......

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Skeletal Blues

Skeletal Blues...

Bare boned,

Bejeweled in fools,

Purple rooted

And black lagooned...

Fading fast

From head to hue.


Creature come in between

And illuminate these dreams...

Sing sad triumph to the moon.

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Liquid Hell

Dionysus diving in liquid Hell 
The pendulum swings 
To bring 
Whatever fate awaits he in this maze 
This rats nest 
Choked up and spit out 

The empty tin rattling  down the street 
Picked up 
Dropped out 
In tune with what's really real 

The Rat poisons himself 
The mouse clutch clatter jawed to the cheese... 
Even if it kills him 

Dive on 
Dive to the bottom like a duck 

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alcohol abuse

Skeletal Mini Blind Panorama (An Evening as Whispered Through A Vampire's Ear)

In a similar fashion to ink blots 
Various skull shapes gather 'round 
The skeletal mini blind panorama 
Various forms of madness play out 
Like stale jazz 
All under the lamp with the dunce cap 
And electric yellow snot 
The insects pay homage to this diety of the night 
With bizarre kamikaze rituals... 
And here I was 
Just turning it on and off... 
Oh what horrors and discoveries 

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