The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Eternal Infancy

No matter how many years are added to my life,

I will always be a child.

For in Your presence- it is all I can be.

Though infancy is not to my memory

I can feel it overwhelm me as though it is all I have ever known

Grabbing for Your pinky,

Drawing nearer and nearer to You,

At the approach of all that is new

Of all that is strange

Of all that troubles me

Gazing with un...

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christian poetryrelationship with GodGod's loveHeavenly Fatherchild of Godeternal infancy

Stone Among Clay

As the rightful sentence echoes through sweaty division and humid hostility,

conviction kisses his countenance

while confirmation photographs the cute couple for keepsake.

His outspoken body stands to claim its grip of self-sustained authority;

Shaking fists, clenching reason, straining blame, pointing chalky fingers

with a chalk covered slate

All against the reverberations of ri...

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be flexiblebe receptivehandling correctionhardened hearts exposedhave a moldable heartrighteous judgementrighteous v self righteousself reflecttrue colors revealedchristian poetry

A Noun in White Open Space

A noun all alone in the white open space is at risk,

if it doesn't know its own definition or purpose.

Without knowing its identity, this noun may search for a verb.

Once it finds this verb, it may begin to become active.

After it is active, it may come to dwell upon passive.

Should this be the case, it may call itself just a subordinate clause.

Still without the sense of cause, ...

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purposedecisions makingself reflectionidentityself-esteemself discoverynoun in white open space

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