The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

A scary bunch

This morning I was having a conversation 

a slightly uncomfortable conversation . 

I thought about a world without men

and my boyfriend seemed upset.

"Even without me?" he asked 

and that was a though one to answer.

I thought about a world with no fear

no fear for my body, no fear for me.

But honestly a world without him,

that is even more scary to think about. 

"I wo...

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womenwomanmenlovewomans issueswomanhoodWomens Daymen and women

Love behind a lamp

He went to the store

And he bought me

a dinosaur lamp


He gave it to me

and he said

"it made me think of you" 


I have a dinosaur 

a dinosaur lamp

He knows i love them



that's love to me

that's all i need.


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lovecoupledinosaursThoughtfulgiftpresenthappycontentinlovethe little things


You needed cough syrup
cause you caught a cold
i had some free time
in my really busy day
and immediately i thought:
I'll buy him cough syrup. 
I don't have a lot of money
but he deserves it!

i wanted to buy a snack
a little treat for me
i wanted something sweet
to tell myself i was good
but inside the supermarket 
i was so indecisive 
that i took nothing at all.
Maybe i didn't de...

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deservemeritsmentalhealthself loveself worthself care


it was all matter of

always on the same side
always the same

today I crossed 
to the other side
and it was different 

I observed the wall,
the street, everything
even the sky was different 

It was the same street,
and i understood:
it was all matter of perspective.

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perspectivementalhealthdbtmentalityBeing present

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