"Run Away
“Run away”
That's what they say
“It's how you get the pain to go away”
So I ran until my mind went black
I ran until my lungs burned
And my legs quaked
I fell into a ball
I crumbled to the ground
I Screamed and Cried
I tried to let it all out
In reality you can never escape
If all your crying for your Mother to change
“Your being manipulative”
“Your being l...
Monday 16th September 2024 7:49 am
Tough Love
Tough love is what my mom called it
Tough love is what I grew accustomed to
Tough love is what made it ok for him to cheat
Tough love is what made it ok to scream
Tough love
What is it?
Pain and pain again and again
But tough love
How would I be here without it
Wednesday 12th June 2024 4:24 am
Dear Emma
Dear Emma
Rember the words you said?
The kind, loving words?
The I love yous?
The I'll always be there for yous?
The let me do your makeup?
The let me dye your hair?
I always aspired to be like you
But you changed
The I love yous
The I'll always be there for yous
The I'll always protect yous
You changed the way you do your hair
You changed the way you held me...
Tuesday 28th March 2023 7:06 pm
A man walks up to the stand
His heart hung low
Tears tracing down his cheeks
The sky seeming bleak
His grave will only be three feet deep
And his soul will have a restless sleep
His family looks on with teary eyes
Not being able to say their goodbyes
An inicent soul once loved
And now has gone above
Monday 27th March 2023 4:40 pm
The Monster
The Monsters inside me
Scream, Cry, Hide
As if I'll never servive
Deep in my thoughts
I want to
Scream, cry, hide
I hate it here
Traped in a cage
That no one believes is a cage
But that is just the problem
I scream
I cry
I've asked for help
But now i'll just hide
I'll just keep in my head
One more year and I'll be fine
And be able t...
Monday 27th February 2023 4:14 pm
The City
Like a dream is looms
So beautiful
A light on a dark path I must walk
While people mock
A path hard and scary
With pain and turns
The walk to the city is not pretty
And some experances tramatizing
But I keep going
It seems to never end
And I'm afraid I'll never make it there
Never make it to the safe, resting, City at the end
The light in the distance seems so ...
Monday 30th January 2023 3:45 pm
Deep, Dark and mysterious
The Ocean hides things noun can see
Like the minds of children
Which is a further mystery
The ocean hides mosters noun can find
Like the child inside of me
Screaming with no air to find
Then its lifted
To the light coral
As I hear laughter
And no longer think of thoughs scary things
But as beautiful as it is
The coral is sharp
Monday 30th January 2023 4:17 am
That person holds me
I wish you'd be here please
I feel so lonely without you
So shaky I don't know what to do
Your not my boyfriend
But seen all of me
And help me when I need you
I wish you could hold me in my bed
Kiss my head
And say it will be ok
We arn't just frineds
But you just dont like me that way
I miss you
And wish to kiss you
But you only hol...
Thursday 26th January 2023 6:31 pm
Smile more thats what they say
Smile more and everything will be ok
Smile more you look in pain
Smile Smile Smile
That smile of yours is beautiful
I wish you'd smile more
But my cheeks have gotten so sore
Put a smile on your face
Even if it hurts
Because if you don't they'll leave you in the dirt
Smile or leave is what he said
Even though his grandaughter just p...
Thursday 19th January 2023 5:52 pm
How scary would it be
How scary would it be
To let someone see
All your Imperfects, flaws, and mysterys.
To let them in despite the pain
Be truthful and show honesty
How scary would it be
To show all your parts inside and out
Would they judge and say mean things
Of be truthful, honest, and open with me
For I know there are two kinds of people
But how do I know which is which
And will...
Wednesday 18th January 2023 3:34 pm
Dark, Cold, Shaky
Fear, Embracement, Overwhelming
I'm small but I bubble and overflow
I come when you over think
And I stay when the wind blows
I stay when your lonely and crying
I am anxiety
Crippling and sad
Scared and Shaky
I stay until you find the person who listens
Who understands
Who holds you
Who pushes me away
I'm Lonely Crippling Anxiety
Tuesday 17th January 2023 6:34 pm
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