The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.


My   I realize you are a very  skilled  manipulator I give you receive you ask for more I give I am a product of misogynistic imperialists I give because I have been indoctrinated to from birth   who are you to question my questions of you? You have betrayed my trust my heart hurts stop. and start again I am a product of misogynistic culture I do not ...

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If you’re reading this…

If you’re reading this

I’ve so much more to say

We’ve only gotten started

Along this precious way.


Stumbling at times

Often falling short

Terribly uncertain 

Not knowing what’s in store.


Wishing that your fingers

Would reach out and pull mine in

Wishing that your lips

Would savour my sweet skin. 


Next to you is where

My heart can take a rest


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The Moon in Reply

My darling, it

Could never be 

For you would eventually 

Devour me

And so we sit

Eons away

Space staring us 

This place to stay.   


Copyright Donna R Hedges 2021

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Dear Friend

It took me a while,

To realize,

Just what I feel for you.  

A mixture of feelings,


And I know,

What I need to do.  

My heart for you.

Has been right here.

To grasp, pull close into. 

Your heart, a different one,

Pushes me to do.  

And I will say good-bye,

My Love.  

I would rather not delay,

The eventual manifestation,

That will surely c...

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Striking my heart strings 

In such a way

Brings such hope

For joy to stay

Casting eyes 

Cloaked in jest

But you know I want

You the best

I love you, I love you!

I long to say

Bridled and silent

I can not play

Ripped and torn 

Inside my chest

Tear off pretence

And me undress

Say you love me

Say you do

All I’ve ever wanted

Was you.  


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I am One

The voice of one

is lost 

In the emptiness

Because no one

speaks up.


is waiting


For someone


To take a stand.

It takes one

to create a ripple.

One step

One action.

There is no good time

No right time

No perfect time

There is only now.

And when I look back 

in ten 

I want to say

I was that one 

And, I am s...

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The Sun’s Litany

My light, forever

Bright, proud, and true.

Would surely know if he was untrue?

His words a balm to desperate ears.

My body only what he holds dear?

Oh heart, emotions be.

Craving sweet shore of security.

Safe arms, to pull me close.

Cherish my heart, essence close.

Play and laugh with carefree joy,

Dance our hearth, 

Not destroy.

My warmth is strong to warm us b...

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break uplovemoonpoetryrelationshipsrisingspaceSun

The Sun’s Litany

My light

Forever bright

Proud and true

Would surely know

If he was untrue?

His words a balm to

Desperate ears

My body only

What he holds dear?

Oh heart, emotions be

Craving sweet shore

Of security

Safe arms to pull me close

Cherish my heart

My essence close

Play and laugh

With carefree joy

Dance our hearth 

Not destroy


My warmth is stro...

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My Voice

I have been silenced for so long

I do not know my own voice

All I hear

Are your words. 

Your condemnations

Your judgements

Your lies. 

I see your glance


Better than everyone else.  


You aren’t.  

You are hiding behind fear

That controls you

And all you do

Keeping me in check 


In case I discover my voice

And use it 

Against ...

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