The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

just friends

I always thought that if i ever fell for you, things would just fall into place. but when ever i wanted to tell you, id get the jitters and my heart would race.

Will you feel the same way as i do, was all that was running through my mind. even if you did before, i was oblivious, i couldnt read between the lines.

Still, i felt that i had to tell you somehow but it never seemed possible. id ju...

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lovefriendshiphidden things

I Picked You

as i sit across from her i knew i had to say something, but the only problem was, how do i go about doing so?
i have wanted to tell her for a while now but i get all flustered when i try.
how can it be so difficult to get a few words out i mean its barely even a sentence.
i know that the longer i wait the harder its going to get but shes looking at me, with no idea of what i am about to say.

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The Elevator

i knew that she was the one, i knew it from the moment i looked at her.
she had no idea that i knew and i just stood there and smiled to myself.
I probably looked like an idiot, grinning ear to ear but hey i couldn't help myself.
i had this warm feeling inside of me, feeling rather giddy if you may.
not quite to the point of laughter but enough to keep me entertained in the slightest of ways.

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